Page 79 of Crashing Into You

Seb helped his mom hang his art in the family room, the dining room, and the guest bedroom. The whole time he couldn’t stop thinking about Kennedy. Was she really okay with her father being there tonight? If she was, why was she? What had happened?

Unfortunately, his ‘emotional intelligence’ wasn’t answering any of those questions for him.


Kennedy weavedthrough the tables at Lanterns. The party was going off without a hitch. People were dancing, talking, drinking. Knox and Laura seemed to be enjoying themselves. Jasmine and Jackson were being passed between Laura’s sisters and friends.

Ford’s wife Chrissy, who was a party planner and had done the heavy lifting on all the favors and decorations, smiled as she said, “I had Ford put all of the presents in the car. We’ll keep them all at our house with the wedding presents.”

“Great, thanks.”

Kennedy couldn’t believe that Laura’s wedding was just a week away.

Chrissy’s voice lowered as she stepped beside Kennedy. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Kennedy nodded.

She and Chrissy had never been particularly close. In school, Chrissy had been really quiet and kept to herself. She spent a lot of time in the library and studying. After only a year in college, she got married and became a mom. For years, her entire life revolved around her kids and husband, who Kennedy barely knew because he was always working.

Kennedy had always thought Chrissy was perfect and had the perfect life. She was the perfect mom to four perfect kids. She was the perfect wife to her perfect (looking) husband. Had a perfect five-bedroom house with a literal white picket fence.

It wasn’t until her now ex-husband blindsided her with divorce papers that she saw the cracks in her perfect armor. Since then she’d become so much more real and relatable.

“I heard that you got cast on Fairytale Love.”

“Where did you hear that?” Kennedy had only told Laura and Nana, and a few other people. She hadn’t told Jessa on purpose because she was sort of known as the gossip hub.

“Ford told me.”

“Oh.” Kennedy nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

“It’s none of my business, but I thought you and Seb were…”

“Were what?” Kennedy asked. “Who said that?”

No one knew anything had happened between her and Seb. Not even Laura. She might have picked up on something but her bestie had been busy being a mama to two incredible little humans, and planning a wedding so, thankfully their fling had flown under the radar.

“No, no one said anything. I swear. Not Ford or Laura or anyone. I just… I see the way you two look at each other when you don’t think anyone is watching. I saw it at the hospital, at Laura’s when the babies came home, and last week at the festival I saw you two talking. I don’t know. Just seeing the two of you together, it’s pretty obvious that something is going on.”

“Is it? Is that what people are saying?”

“No, like I said, no one has said anything. But I just wanted to check in and make sure that you’re okay. I know how it feels to be in a room full of people but feel alone because no one knows what you’re going through. If you want to talk, I’m here.”

Kennedy’s eyes automatically cut across the room to Seb. He was laughing with Ford and Keaton. All she could see was his profile, but it was enough to have her heart skipping a beat. He was just so…masculine and yet, so pretty.

It felt strange to be talking to Chrissy about something she hadn’t even told Laura or her nana, but it also felt safer that way. She trusted Chrissy not to say anything to anyone. She was one of the few people in this town that Kennedy trusted to keep a secret.

“I do have feelings for him. But he doesn’t want the same things I do.”

“Did he tell you that?”

Kennedy nodded.


“The first night we were…together.”

“How long ago was that?”