Page 69 of Crashing Into You

The seventh was of her bare shoulder when he’d taken off her tank top the first night they’d been together.

The eighth was the hourglass curve of her torso.

The ninth was her hip, the one that had the bunny tattoo. He hadn’t included the marking but the impression in his head was from when he’d kissed her on it.

The tenth was the upturned end of her cute button nose.

The eleventh was the sweetheart shape of her face.

The final piece was of the slope of her lower back, that he’d kissed and whispered mine against just the night before.

“You didn’t know you were painting her,” Genesis correctly surmised.

She’d always been observant. Seb hadn’t known. He hadn’t had any idea that Kennedy had been his muse.

“This might be your best work to date.”

Was it? Was this his best work to date? Had Kennedy inspired him not only to create but to create at his highest level?

“I’m going to lock in our August date for the showing, but I want to start creating buzz online now. Have you named the collection yet?”

Seb realized in that moment that every one of these images had been flashes in his head that had replaced the flashes he used to have from the car accident. “Crashing Into You.”

“Oh. My. God. Yes, that’s incredible.”

A baby cried from the background. Genesis had given birth around the same time as Laura. “I’ve gotta go. Great work. And thank whoever she is for me.”

The line disconnected and Seb put the phone down. He’d spent the past month painting Kennedy without even knowing that he’d done it. All of these pieces had just been flashes in his head that he’d done his best to recreate on canvas.

It was then that he realized that since meeting her, the flashbacks from the car crash had stopped. They’d been replaced by all the visuals of what he was looking at.

Holy shit. He hadn’t had one nightmare or flashback since he’d met Kennedy. That realization combined with the fact that he’d just painted an entire collection of her hit him like a punch in the gut.

He lowered down onto the wooden kitchen chair as he tried to figure out what those things meant. His attraction to her was obvious. Not only to her physical appearance, but also to her intellect and personality.

She was smart, kind, funny, ambitious, and brave. She knew exactly what she wanted, and she went for it.

As much as that turned him on, it was also the reason that nothing real could happen between them.

He didn’t match the criteria on her list, and he’d never want her to settle. He would never ask her to settle. Which meant if he wanted to be with her, he’d have to get a degree and work a full-time job.

For most people, that might seem like an easy path to take. For him, it wasn’t quite that straightforward. He was shit at schoolwork and his only work experience was tattooing. Financially, he was fine. He’d been at the top of his field and had been frugal with his finances. Plus, with the help of Knox, he’d invested wisely.

He could retire and live off of his investments.

But even if Kennedy was okay with that, he wouldn’t be. He needed to have purpose in his life, otherwise it was too easy for him to fall into depression.

His phone buzzed and he saw that it was a text from Ford. It was a group chat with him, Keaton, and Knox.

Ford:Did any of you know that mom is on dating apps?

Knox was the first to reply.

Knox:She is? Are you sure?

Keaton responded next.

Keaton:How do you know that?