Page 66 of Crashing Into You

Unlike some women she knew, she’d always enjoyed sex. Physical touch was her love language, so sex, even bad sex, included physical touch. But being with Sebastian was different. It was on a different level than just a physical connection. It was a mental, spiritual, soulful connection.

A loud knock on her window caused her to jump in her seat. “What are you doing? Taking a nap? Come in.” Mrs. Chen barked the order.

Kennedy’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Not that Mrs. Chen knew what she’d been fantasizing about, but still. She grabbed her purse from the floor beside her and unplugged her phone.

“You look good. You look happy,” Mrs. Chen commented as the two women walked into the community center.

“We closed Falcon Street today.” That was not the reason Kennedy looked “happy” but it was a property that she’d worked hard on and it would be reasonable to attribute her demeanor to.

“I hear you are going to be on the new show. The dating show.”

Mrs. Chen rarely commented on Kennedy’s personal life. She’d done her best not to take it personally that her boss and the two other cupid cohorts had never pointed their arrows at her, but it had stung.

“I applied but I haven’t heard back yet.”

“You want to find a husband on TV?”

“At this point, I figure I should try anything.”

Mrs. Chen’s stoic expression rarely changed. She was a very difficult person to read, which is why Kennedy had thought she didn’t like her for so many years.

But now Kennedy could tell that she wasn’t happy. Mrs. Chen’s lips pursed as if she’d just sucked on a sour lemon. Kennedy wasn’t sure what had caused Mrs. Chen’s sudden sour expression. She couldn’t imagine that she’d have anything against the TV show itself. It had created a big boost in the economy in tourism dollars. Homes that used to sit on the market for thirty, sixty, even ninety days were snatched up immediately by investors who renovated them and then used them as short-term rental properties.

The longer Mrs. Chen stared at Kennedy the more she braced herself to hear whatever Mrs. Chen was going to say. But instead of explaining her expression, she shot back a curt, “Fine.”

Fine?Kennedy wasn’t sure what to do with that response. She watched as Mrs. Chen headed straight toward the other two legs of her matchmaking tripod, Mrs. Dobrinski and Mrs. Weathersby.


Kennedy looked over and saw Jess seated at a group of five women. Kennedy made her way across the room and was relieved to see several other faces under the age of seventy.

“Hi,” Kennedy greeted the sole group of women under the age of seventy.

All five women were married to and deeply, madly in love with their soulmates.

The women were a few years younger than she was. Beside Jess was her best friend Ali, who had ended up marrying Kennedy’s high school boyfriend, Kade McKnight. Next to her was Liv, a romance author who ended up marrying one of Whisper Lake’s finest, Grady Caldwell. And in the middle of the group was Sara who co-owned the Princess and the Pea B&B with her husband Austen. And rounding out the fivesome was Brynn, who ended up marrying a former marine turned bodyguard and master carpenter Axel Vaughn.

This group should give Kennedy hope that she would find her happily-ever-after but sometimes, most times, it did the opposite and made her feel discouraged.

She sat down and pulled out her knitting needles and yarn.

“How’s Laura and the babies doing?” Sara asked quietly.

“So good!” Kennedy exclaimed. “She was truly born to be a mother.”

“Shhhhh!” A collective shush sounded behind her.

Kennedy looked over her shoulder and saw the entire room was scowling at her.

She looked back at her friends, and they were all pointing to a sign that said, No Talking.

“We’re not allowed to talk?” Kennedy whisper-asked.

Jess shook her head. “If you do, you get shushed.”

“Why?” Kennedy asked.

All five women looked at each other and shrugged.