Page 47 of Crashing Into You

“I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep it up, hon. Your skin looks amazing. You are positively radiant!” She winked before answering the call. “Well Brook this is Marlene, how can I help you?”

The doors buzzed and as Kennedy made her way down the hall, she was worried that she was a walking billboard that read I-just-had-the-best-sex-of-my-life. Marlene had said her skin looked amazing and that she was radiant.

On her walk earlier that morning to pick up her car, Mr. Stevens her postman remarked, “Someone woke up on the right side of the bed. You sure do got a pep in your step.”

When she stopped by her office to pick up keys to a rental property she managed, Carrie Anne, at the front desk, told her she had a “JLo glow.”

She just hoped her nana didn’t notice. Kennedy had never been a very good liar and she didn’t want to get her grandma’s hopes up that she’d met someone.

As she made her way down the halls, she passed the bench that she’d been sitting on the first time she’d met Seb a little over a week ago. It was strange that only ten days had passed. It felt like she had known him a year.

When she entered her nana’s room, she found her grandma sleeping peacefully. So she settled down in the armchair next to the window and pulled out her Kindle. The newest Claire Kingsley book was the first up on her TBR list. After last night, she was ready to dive back into the world of happily-ever-afters, since she’d had quite the happy ending herself. Actually, three happy endings.

Kennedy tapped on the cover ready to visit Tilikum, the small town where the rivalries ran deep, and the heroes ran hot when she heard her name.

She lifted her head to find nana awake and struggling to sit up. “Have you been here long, Bunny?”

Bunny. That tattoo had been significant to Seb. She’d noticed his expression change when she told him she had it, and then last night, he’d traced it with his fingers and then pressed his lips to it in a reverent kiss. A thrill raced down her spine at the memory of his hands and his mouth on her body.

“No, I just got here. How are you feeling today?” Kennedy stood and walked over to assist her Nana. After adjusting her pillows, she lowered into the chair beside her bed.

“Laura had the babies,” Kennedy shared the good news hoping her nana would attribute any leftover glow from the night before to her excitement over the new arrivals.

“I heard.” Nana smiled widely. “How is she doing? How are the twins?”

“Good, everyone is healthy. Laura sounds a little tired but I think that’s normal.”

“And Knox, is he loving being a dad?”

“Yeah, he’s over the moon.” Kennedy had already known that Knox would be an incredible dad. She’d seen him with Laura’s nieces and nephews at birthday parties and family get-togethers. But if she hadn’t been sure that was the case, seeing him hold his son and daughter in the viewing area yesterday would have erased any doubts. She could see in his eyes those babies were his entire world and he’d do anything to protect and care for them and Laura.

Nana smiled and patted Kennedy’s hand. “I can’t wait till you find yourself a Knox Savage and settle down.”

Little did Nana know Kennedy had already done one of those things, she’d found herself a Sebastian Savage. Sadly, settling down wasn’t part of the deal.

* * *

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off at Ford’s so he can take you to the hospital?” Seb asked his mom for the fifth time.

He’d picked her up at the airport a few hours ago, his plan had been to take her straight to his brother’s house because he knew that she was dying to meet her newest grandkids, but she was insisting on coming to his PT with him.

“No, we’ll go there after your appointment.”

“Okay, but you have to behave.” The last time he’d taken her to a physical therapy appointment in Los Angles she’d interrogated his PT. As much as he appreciated her support, it was a little embarrassing as a thirty-six-year-old man to have his mom give his PT the third degree.

“What?” she asked with faux innocence.

He knew that she knew exactly what he meant.

“So how are you liking Whisper Lake?” she quickly changed the subject, which only validated that she did in fact know what he was talking about. “Have you met anyone special?”

“No,” he lied as the image of Kennedy lying in her bed this morning before he left for the airport popped into his head. Actually, that image had been in his head. It was permanently seared into his consciousness. She looked so beautiful, her hair fanned out on the pillow, the sexy slope of her neck, the curve of her hip peeking out from the sheet that was covering her she looked like a dream. Like an angel. Like a goddess. Which was why when he’d made the pot of coffee, he’d had to draw her on the paper towel.

Last night had been one of, if not, the best nights of his life.

Seb had found that rarely in life does reality meet the expectations of a fantasy. Since the first moment he’d looked into her eyes, he fantasized about her, imagined what it would be like to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her. He’d known being with Kennedy was going to be incredible. But reality had blown his fantasies out of the water.
