Page 18 of Crashing Into You

Sebastian Savage oozed sex appeal. His pheromone game was unmatched. He was a walking wet dream. Never before in Kennedy’s life had watching someone eat turned her on. She was sure that had to be someone’s kink, but it wasn’t hers, or at least it hadn’t been. As she sat catty-corner to Seb she felt like a peeping Tom or voyeur in the middle of the upscale Chicago steakhouse. It was both unnerving and slightly intoxicating.

Kennedy was doing her best not to notice every move Sebastian made, every glance he shot in her direction, every word he spoke, every breath he took. But apparently, she was taking a page from The Police’sI’ll Be Watching You, because she was acutely aware of everything he did.

Her heart fluttered as his tattooed hands worked to cut his steak. When he lifted the bite to his mouth and parted his lips, her heart wasn’t the only part of her body fluttering. As his strong jaw worked to chew his steak, butterflies flitted low in her belly.

“I have to go the bathroom. Again,” Laura announced, and Kennedy automatically stood.

It was unwritten girl code that you never leave a woman behind. If one of your sisters-in-arms made a trip to the toilet, she didn’t go alone. Going to the ladies' room was sometimes for practical purposes but was usually out of a need to debrief. But in this case, Kennedy was pretty sure that Laura actually had to go to the bathroom. She’d been complaining lately that the babies were pretty much camped out on her bladder. Her friend had gone once before they left the clerk’s offices. And on the way to the restaurant, they’d stopped inside a convenience store and bought a bottle of water so she could get the key. But both of those toilets had been single occupancy, so Kennedy hadn’t accompanied her.

The ladies made their way across the restaurant and after they both took care of business, they stood at the sinks washing their hands.

“I can’t believe you’re actually married!” Kennedy smiled at her friend through the reflection in the mirror.

“Again,” Laura’s lips turned up in a half smile.

Laura had been married twice before Kennedy met her when she moved to Whisper Lake to open The Snack Shack. The first had been to her childhood sweetheart, they’d gotten married young, and he’d cheated. The second was to a man she’d met through work. He’d basically told her what she wanted to hear, but it turned out he lied.

“Third time’s the charm. You and Knox are perfect together,” Kennedy assured her friend.

A dreamy look glazed over Laura’s eyes. “We are, aren’t we?”

Kennedy finished rinsing her hands and moved to the automatic dryers.

When the air began to blow, she heard Laura ask, “What’s the deal with you and Seb?”

“What do you mean?” Kennedy stared down at her hands, not looking at her friend.

“There’ssomethinggoing on between you two. Something you’re not telling me.”

Kennedy knew that she would get it out of her sooner or later. It might as well be sooner. “Remember yesterday when I told you about the guy I spilled my water on?”

Laura began to nod when mid chin dip realization dawned on her face. “Wait! What?! Seb is Hot Wet Crotch Guy!”

“Please don’t call him that. And don’t tell him I told you about that, about spilling water on know.” Kennedy trusted her friend, but she also knew that Laura was head over heels in love and she might tell her husband who would probably find it funny and tell Seb. “And don’t tell Knox!”

Laura swatted Kennedy on the arm. She knew her friend was being playful, or at least she thought she was, but it sort of stung.

“Hey! What was that for?” Kennedy asked as she rubbed the spot that had just been swatted.

“Why didn’t you tell me who he was before?!”

“When was I going to tell you? Everything happened so fast. I ran into him, again. Then you appear and say that you’re getting married and he’s Knox’s brother and we’re going to be your witnesses. This is the first second we’ve been alone.”

“Okay, fine. I guess I get that,” Laura conceded before pointing her finger in accusation. “But if I didn’t ask what was going on with you two, I don’t think you would have said anything.”

“It’s your wedding day. I would have told you later.”

“It’s not really my wedding day.” Laura exhaled. “I mean, I guess it is but we’re still having the big wedding.”

“When did you guys decide to do this?” Kennedy knew that Knox had been pressuring Laura to walk down the aisle, but she was surprised that her friend had caved since Laura’s family was so important to her.

“Last week. Knox has been worried about me giving birth and bringing the babies into this world without us being legally married.” Laura looked down at her protruding belly and smiled as she placed her hand on her stomach. “Which I get. Andheunderstands how much a big family wedding means to me, and why I don’t want to walk down the aisle seven months pregnant. So, we compromised. I agreed to make it legal, as long as we didn’t tell anyone.

“But then yesterday morning he mentioned we needed witnesses. I couldn’t ask one of my sisters because that would be playing favorites, plus none of them can keep their mouths shut. If one of them knew, everyone in the family would know. Plus, you are my sister bychoicenot by blood, so I knew it had to be you. And you already had the conference today so it was perfect! And then Knox asked Seb because Ford would tell Chrissy, because he tells her everything. And Keaton would have had to cancel classes, which would have caused questions. Seb is new to town so no one will notice if he’s gone for the day.”

“Well, I’m honored to be yourchosensister and so happy I got to be your witness.”

Laura’s eyes widened and she gasped and covered her hand over her mouth.