Page 42 of Crashing Into You


The grittiness in his voice chased a thrill down her spine. Slowly, her head turned toward him. The look in his big brown eyes stole whatever oxygen she had at her disposal. The energy between them crackled with intensity as tiny goosebumps lifted on the bare skin of her arms.

His head leaned closer, and her eyes automatically closed. She froze in place, as she waited for his lips to touch hers. She started leaning closer when she heard his car door close. Her lids popped open and she found herself alone in the vehicle. Her senses were still scrambling to catch up to the fact that she wasnotabout to experience the best kiss of her life when the passenger door opened.

Embarrassment washed over her as she realized that he hadn’t been leaning in for a kiss. He just wanted to be a gentleman and open her door. She was up to her old tricks again. Her mind was projecting, creating a fictional love story that clearly wasn’t there.

She was a thirty-five-year-old woman. When was she going to learn her lesson? When would she stop romanticizing her life? When would she realize that real life was nothing like the romance novels she devoured?

When she stepped out of the car, he shut the door and started walking beside her up to her porch.

“This place is really nice,” he said as they walked up the steps to her front door.

“Thanks. I like it.” As Kennedy reached into her purse, she heard the scraping of nails on the hardwood floor followed by loud barking.

“You have a dog?” Seb asked.

“I do.”

“Can I meet him? I love dogs.”

“He slobbers a lot, he’s not trained, and he has really bad gas.” Kennedy wasn’t sure why she was oversharing Chunk’s bad traits. She chalked it up to nerves.

“I’m the youngest of four boys. I can handle it.”

She smiled as she unlocked the door. Her hands were shaking as she pushed it open. The second they walked inside Chunk jumped on Seb, covering his pants in slobber.

Seb didn’t seem the least bit bothered by it, though. He petted his head and asked, “What’s your name?”

"That's Chunk AKA Chunks, Chunkster, Chunky-boy, Chunkers." She smiled down at him.“I was watching the Goonies when I decided to adopt him.”

“It’s one of my favorite movies.” Seb smiled as Chunkster ran to grab his chew toy to play.

“Are you okay with him? I was going to go change?” Kennedy hadn’t planned on wearing this dress for eight hours. And she sure as hell hadn’t planned on wearing these heels. Her feet were killing her.

“Yeah, we’re great.”

“Actually, could you let him out back? I’m sure he needs to go.”

“Yeah, is it…” Seb motioned toward the kitchen.

“Yep, right through there.”

As she headed down the hallway, her entire body was filled with a tingle of excitement that Seb was in her home. She hadn’t had a man here for…she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d had a male caller. Probably long enough that the term was still used.

She quickly got out of her dress and into sweats and headed back out to the front of the house. The boys were back inside and she saw that Seb had filled his dish with water and Chunks was sloppily drinking it. It was a small gesture, but one that meant a lot to her. She hadn’t asked him to do it. He’d done it all on his own.

Seb was crouched beside him scratching him behind his ear. When he heard her walk in, he looked up at her and his eyes scanned her body. “Wow, you look…”

Kennedy had intentionally worn what she had to look sexy without looking like she was trying to look sexy, and apparently, it worked. She’d put on old sweats and a tank top. The sweats hit her hips at just the right place to accentuate her hourglass figure. And her form-fitting tank top showed just a hint of cleavage, and had been washed so much the material had thinned making itnearlysee-through. It gave the illusion that you could see more than you actually could.

His eyes were still scanning up and down her body when she asked. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Seb stopped petting Chunk-boy and stood up. Kennedy braced herself for him to say that he had to go. Of course, he just wanted to meet her dog and now he was leaving.

Instead of leaving, he nodded. “Sure.”

“Do you want a beer? Wine? Water? Coke?”