Page 3 of Crashing Into You

“I’m pregnant,” Laura whispered.

“Wait…what?” Kennedy asked in confusion. Laura had been seeing a fertility specialist, who told her it would basically be impossible for her to get pregnant without assistance. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. And there’s more.”

“There’s more?”

“It’s twins.”


“Yes, twins.”

Twins.Wow. That was a lot.

“Have you told Knox?” Laura had been hooking up with a guy for a few months, but things hadn’t been serious. He’d recently retired from the Navy, and his life was sort of in limbo.

“No. He’s not… He doesn’t even…”

Kennedy heard Laura start crying, and she went into best-friend-fix-it mode. “Where are you? I’m going to come to you.”

“I’m still in the parking lot at the doctor. I have to go open the shop.”

“I have a showing at noon, but I can grab us some club sandwiches from Drawbridge and stop by for lunch.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll call you tonight when I get home.”

Kennedy knew that if she needed her, Laura would call, and she’d be ready to come running. “Okay, and Laura…”


“This is good news.” Kennedy smiled, happy for her friend, who had wanted to be a mom her entire life and had been told that it would be difficult, if not impossible, for her to conceive. “You’re gonna havetwobabies. Congratulations, sweetie!”

Kennedy heard Laura sniff and take in a shaky breath. “Thanks, love you.”

“Love you. Call me if you needanything!”

“I will.”

Kennedy stood outside the office, and as she was letting it sink in that she was going to be an aunt—well, at least an honorary one—her phone rang again. It was a number she didn’t recognize.

“Hello,” she answered.

“Kennedy, this is Rueben from next door.”

Rueben was her nana’s next-door neighbor. She’d given him her number in case there was ever an emergency. “Hi, Rueben. Is Nana—"

“Your grandma fainted in the front yard; she was doing some gardening. She’s alert now and doesn’t want me to call an ambulance, but you gave me your number and told me that I should call if there were ever any—"

“Yes, thank you so much for calling. I’m about twenty minutes away. Would you be able to stay with her until I get there?”


“Okay, thanks.”

Kennedy disconnected the call and went back into the office, grabbed her purse, and quickly explained the situation to Anne. Kennedy’s life always seemed to go like this. Laura called with amazing news, only to have the next call be Rueben saying her grandma had passed out. It was why she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why she didn’t trust life when things were going well.

Maybe that was the silver lining of her personal life always being a shitshow; she never had to worry that it was going to end badly, because it already was.