“You don’t have to sit on the floor,” he clarifies, flipping open pizza boxes, trying to decide between his options. “There’s room in there.”
He means in his office.
There’s an audible sigh of relief from the senior associates as if they’re glad he’s not going to totally annihilate me. It’s not that they care about my well-being; it’s that they’ve got enough on their plate without having to worry about skirting around blood on the ground.
I scoop up my things and re-enter the devil’s lair. It’s weird how much easier it gets each time I do it. Eventually, I’ll be stepping into the underworld without so much as a blink.
“Please don’t be annoying, just sit down” is Hudson’s advice to me as he reclaims his seat and motions for me to take the one he already got for me.
He’s…offering to share his desk. He even shoves aside some papers to clear more room for my stuff.
He’s a partner. He could quite literally order me to work from a grubby toilet seat in a tiny bathroom stall down the hall and I would be like, Yes, of course. Let me get right on that.
Well…with any other partner, that’s what I’d say. With Hudson, I’d probably argue. A little.
The point is, this is nice of him, and I don’t know how I feel about that. Maybe we’re both a bit weirded out about the arrangement because we work in silence for a good long while. I start to get a slight crick in my back, and I stretch my arms overhead, trying in vain to work out the kink that won’t go away.
I feel Hudson’s attention on me and look over to see two deep wrinkles between his brows.
“You can go home, you know.”
I smile like, Yeah, duh. “I know.”
“But you’re going to stay.” He says it like I exasperate him.
I shrug. “Looks like it.”
A few minutes later, I make a point of toeing off my heels and crossing my legs up under me. Formality can go to hell for all I care because it’s later than late, my little toesies have been stuck in these high heels for the better part of fourteen hours, and I’m not enduring it for one more patriarchal second. Hudson notices, of course. His brown eyes drift over my legs, but he manages to keep any biting-slash-witty-slash-devastating remarks to himself before he turns back to his work.
And I have to say, I’m kind of disappointed.
I continue my task, reviewing and highlighting, reading and reading and reading. My eyes are about to go permanently crossed. I rub them, probably smearing my mascara beyond repair. Then—
My eyes freeze on a line of text. The familiar voice doesn’t belong here, in this office.
My heart plummets when I look up to see Jasper standing at Hudson’s door wearing sweats and a look of fierce determination. My eyes widen in panic. Oh god. What is he doing here?! How did he even get through security?
Surely he’s not about to take matters into his own hands regarding my not-so-nice coworkers. It’s just like him to draw up to my office like a valiant knight in defense of my honor. Never mind that I’ve made it perfectly clear I’m not in need of any knights! My honor is just fine!
Jasper’s worried eyes scan the room, stalling a beat too long on Hudson before he looks at me with relief. He looks suddenly unsure. The tops of his cheeks redden.
“I was worried about you,” Jasper tells me. “You weren’t answering your cell. I tried your work phone too and nothing. Your doorman said you hadn’t come home yet tonight…”
So…he came to my office?
On some level, it’s considerate, but it almost makes me feel like a child. Especially as all the senior associates in the room and the ones out in the sitting area listen in on this conversation.
I feel everyone’s attention, the weight of Hudson’s gaze heavier than all the rest. Oddly enough, he’s the one who speaks first, before I can even muster the right words or gather the courage to figure out what to say in this awkward situation.
“Go home, Scarlett. Work will be here tomorrow.”
Either because Hudson is right or because I don’t want to argue with him, I quickly collect my things, slip on my heels, and hurry to join Jasper at the door. My cheeks are hotter than hot. The flush is spreading all the way down my neck. With my gaze locked on Jasper’s, I shake my head just once to make it perfectly clear I don’t want to discuss any more of this while we’re still in earshot of my coworkers.
Bethany and Sophie wave bye to me, and I throw them quick nods before walking toward the bank of elevators.