Page 30 of Biker Daddies

Trap whistles under his breath.

“Your blood becomes thicker and harder to pump, then your lungs aren’t able to expand fully. Eventually, you’ll have a heart attack while your lungs fill with fluid,” Lifesaver explains. “It’s brutal and it’s painful. It isn’t an easy death.”

“Where are they getting the drugs?” Brander asks, chewing on a piece of bubblegum a little too loudly.

“Well, they are college kids for the most part. They get the drugs where they can, but I had someone tell me they saw a few Serpents on the outskirts making deals,” Lifesaver states. “I think we need eyes on them to make sure before we declare war.”

“War is already declared.” Prez slams his fist on the table and from where I’m sitting I can hear his teeth grinding.

“You know what I mean, Prez. We don’t want to cut the already thin tension between the two clubs. We’re barely hanging on. I don’t want anything to happen to us. We’re in growing mode. A lot of the older members are gone now and we’re kind of rebuilding. We have to be smart. We can’t afford to lose anyone.”

Prez picks up his water glass and throws it across the room.

Halo dodges the glass before it hits him in the head. It shatters against the wall and a few pieces of glass fly through the air and ping against the table.

“You don’t think I know that? You don’t think I know how to do my fucking job, Lifesaver? You don’t think I know everything you just said? Am I not keeping a good enough eye on things for you? I know, and I know we need more members. I’m not blind.” Prez stands, slamming his chair under the table.

He rubs a hand over his mouth while he exhales. His chest rises and falls as he heads to the window. Grizzly presses one hand against the wall and looks out the window, his eyes cold and calculating.

“I’m sorry,” he grits as if it pains him to say. “My anger isn’t directed at you, Lifesaver.”

“I know, Prez. It’s fine.”

“It isn’t.” The room falls silent as Prez takes a moment to himself. “I never thought I’d be in this position, but I’ve prepared myself for a while now that things might not end well with my brother.” He turns around and twirls the ring on his finger again.

My heart hurts for him. I have never seen Prez take a whore or date another woman. He’s loyal to that wedding band, to his wife’s ghost, and it’s fucking sad. Not pathetic, but heartbreaking.

I think about if I’ve ever loved anyone like that and the answer is no. I’ve never been in love. I’ve never had a long-term relationship and I have never thought about marriage.

Harlow flashes in my mind and I cough from the intrusive thought because Harlow is very much an intrusive thought. The one damn thing I’m never allowed to think about because it isn’t natural and it isn’t okay, but god, I can’t stop thinking about her in our clothes this morning.

If Prez got that mad at Lifesaver for speaking his mind, I can’t imagine how pissed he’d be if he found out three men want to fuck and pamper his daughter.

This is a nightmare.

I need to take a page out of Bane’s book and hook up with a club whore.

“Okay, this is what I want. Colt.”

I sit up straighter when he says my name and hope I don’t look guilty as hell. “Yeah, Prez?”

“I want you, Alto, and Bane to keep an eye on the Serpents. Lifesaver, I want you to get a batch of the drugs. Tell me what you need to test it, analyze it, find some type of antidote for it, something the cops aren’t doing, and it’s yours. Cops won’t do anything about overdoses. They don’t care, but maybe we can help a few people if we can get ahead of it.”

“You got it,” Lifesaver says.

“We’ll hit the ground running too. I’ll tell everyone who works for us to keep an eye out too,” I tell him, lacing my fingers over my stomach.

“Good.” He drags his chair out and plops down. “Now, on to more shocking news.” He scratches his cheek. “The VP from Fallen Rebels MC is coming to visit.”

“Fallen Rebels?” Alto lets out an impressed whistle. “What’s he doing visiting from Washington? Damn, they are impressive.”

“I know, which is why when he gets here, you all will treat him with respect. I’m going to introduce him to Harlow. He’s interested too. Imagine if we had the Fallen Rebels as an ally? It would be good club business if they hit it off.”

My fists clench together and my eyes meet Alto’s, who is equally as pissed.

Bane’s scars on his lips are more pronounced, reminding me more of a cage as he glares at Prez. His leg begins to shake and his tongue slides over his teeth. He’s furious.

“You’re going to make her marry someone?” I ask before I can stop myself, and the disgust, rage, and jealousy are not hidden in my tone.