Page 30 of Let Her Believe

"Let'shang here for a bit, then scout inside again," Jake suggested. "Wedon't know if this guy will show up again, but he might."

Fionanodded, biting her lip. They fell into silence as Jake cut the lights on thecar, turning it off. As the last rays of sunlight faded, Jake couldn't help butfeel a growing sense of unease. Time was running out, and with each passingsecond, the killer was getting further away. He shook off the thought, knowingthat he needed to remain focused on the task at hand.

Thiswas an odd case that much was certain. All Jake had wanted was to take Fiona ona date at an entomology exhibit, and now they were chasing a serial killer thatpotentially crossed state lines. For all they knew, he was already long gone,but they had to keep on him. Many killers returned to the scene of the crime.But the truth was, they didn't know much about this guy or how his mind worked.The biggest piece of the puzzle--why he left insects on his victims'foreheads--was still a mystery.

Theysat in silence for some time before Fiona said, "By the way, my landladycalled me earlier..."

Jakelooked over, confused. "What did she want?"

"Shesaid some guy came looking for me with information but didn't leave aname."

Jakefrowned. "Who do you think it was?"

"MaybeMarcus. Maybe he needed to tell me something else about Damien."

Right.Marcus had been the one to give them a tip about the possible name of the manwho had kidnapped Fiona's sister.

"Iknow how important it is for you to get answers," Jake said. "Did youtry calling him?"

Fionashook her head. "No, I need to focus on this case first. I can't let myown personal case stop me from catching this guy."

Jakenodded in agreement. Catching the killer was their top priority, but he knewthat Fiona was still hurting from the loss of her sister. He couldn't imaginethe pain she must be feeling, the constant weight that must be weighing herdown. "We'll get him, Red," he said, as much to reassure himself asto reassure her. "And we'll get Damien, too," he added.

Fionagave him a small smile, appreciation glinting in her eyes. "Thank you,Jake."

Theyfell into silence once more. Jake held his breath, watching the museumentrance. "I say we go back in and stake the place out from theinside," he said. "What do you think, Red? Ready to go back in?"

Fionanodded, resolute. "Let's do it."

Theyslipped out of the car and silently made their way back inside the museum. Itwas even darker now, the moon casting eerie shadows across the displays. Theair was thick with the scent of insect preservatives, and Jake had to fightback a shudder. He hated bugs of any kind; they gave him the creeps. But he puton a brave face.

As theycrept through the exhibit, Jake couldn't shake the feeling that they were beingwatched. There were many people here enjoying the event. He spotted a couple upahead, a man throwing his arm around a woman. They smiled and kissed as theywalked, looking happy. And for a fleeting moment, Jake wondered what it wouldbe like to be a normal couple with Fiona. No crime scenes, no death, no murderinvestigations.

It wasan odd thought--he loved being an FBI agent and had aspired to be one eversince he'd found his mother's body murdered when he was a teenager.

Heloved his work. Lived for it.

But hedid occasionally wonder what it'd be like to settle down, have children, andjust be normal for once.

Thenagain, he'd tried that yesterday, and look how it turned out. Jake was sure deathwould follow him, even if he quit the FBI and became something else. It waspart of him.

He justhoped that wouldn't affect his future with Fiona.


Thisexhibit was giving Cole the creeps.

Coletrailed behind Macy, his date for the evening. The romantic gesture had beenintended to impress her, but as they shuffled past one grotesque display afteranother, he found himself bored out of his mind. Insects and arachnids held nofascination for him, and he silently wished that they'd skipped this wholeaffair. Unfortunately for him, Macy was all into weird stuff like this.Honestly, the things Cole did just for a chance to get a girl into his bed.

"Canyou believe this is the last day to see all these amazing creatures?" Macygushed, her eyes wide with excitement as she examined the intricate details ofa beetle's exoskeleton.

"Uh,yeah." Cole feigned enthusiasm, his gaze wandering to the clock on thewall. "Time sure flies."

Macylaughed at his attempt at humor but was quickly drawn back to the displays, hercuriosity insatiable. As she marveled at a vibrant butterfly exhibit, Coleglanced around, hoping to find something – anything – to hold his interest.

"Look,Cole, isn't it incredible how the colors seem to change depending on the angleyou view them from?" Macy asked, her voice filled with wonder.

"Sureis," he replied absently, his attention captured by a fly buzzing aroundhis head. He swatted at it, feeling a pang of satisfaction when it connected.The dazed insect spiraled down, landing on the floor with an almostimperceptible thud. It twitched pathetically, struggling to recover from theblow.