Fionaclutched the necklace tightly in her fist, feeling the cold metal press againsther skin. She felt a new surge of resolve course through her veins, her griefand fear now tempered by a seething fury.
"Let'stear this place apart, Jake," she said fiercely, her voice steady despitethe tears that brimmed in her eyes. "Let's find whatever else he's hiddenaway and make sure he pays for what he's done."
Jakenodded solemnly, his own anger palpable as they resumed their search. They bothknew that they had crossed a line, stumbled upon something that could never beunseen or forgotten—but there was no turning back now. They would see thisthrough to the bitter end and bring justice to those who had suffered at thehands of this monster.
And,perhaps most importantly, they would finally uncover the truth about Joslyn'sdisappearance.
Fiona'svision blurred as her pulse thundered in her ears, the cold metal of thebutterfly necklace biting into her palm. She couldn't hear Jake's words ofcomfort over the roaring tide of fury that surged through her veins.
"Callthis in?" she repeated, her voice shaking with barely suppressed rage."Jake, I want to kill him."
"Red,"he said softly, gripping her shoulder and forcing her to meet his gaze."You know we can't do that. But we can make sure he pays for this. Let mecall it in. We'll get back up, and we'll take him down. Together."
Shehesitated, struggling to reign in her emotions. The thought of Damien—no,Daniel—still out there, still free to prey on innocent girls like Joslyn... italmost broke her.
"Okay,"she whispered, the word tasting like ash on her tongue. "Call it in."
As Jakepulled out his phone, Fiona stared blankly at the grimy walls of the RV. Shewondered how many other women had suffered here, how many lives had beendestroyed by this monster.
Suddenly,she heard a key turning in the lock. Her blood ran cold as she realized thatDaniel was returning home.
"Jake!"she hissed urgently, grabbing hold of his arm. "He's coming!"
Instincttook over as Fiona sprang into action, positioning herself behind the door. Asit creaked open, revealing a stringy-haired man with a gaunt face, her heartpounded in her chest like a wild animal desperate to escape.
"DanielGrove," Jake spat, stepping in front of him and blocking the entrance."FBI!"
"Whothe hell are you?" Daniel snarled, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
With ashout, Fiona launched herself at him, fueled by a decade's worth of pent-upgrief and rage. She tackled him to the floor and grabbed him by the neck of hisshirt, staring him directly into his shocked eyes.
"Joslyn!"she screamed, her voice raw and broken. "You took my sister!"
"Idon't know your bitch sister!"
Fionacould only see red. She wanted to hurt this man. She had never wanted to hurtanybody, but this was different. It was instinct, an all-encompassing rage thatthreatened to consume her if she let it.
"Red,"Jake said finally, his voice gentle but firm, breaking the spell. "That'senough."
Fionahesitated, her breathing ragged and her hands trembling. She looked down at thebroken man on the floor, the monster who had haunted her dreams for so long andfelt nothing but contempt. Daniel Grove, or Damien Blackwood, or whatever hecalled himself now. The one who had taken Joslyn. It was over for him. Fionadidn't need to hurt him to stoop to his level. She got off him and returned toJake's side.
"Standup, Daniel," Jake commanded, pulling out handcuffs from his belt. Danielcomplied, still dazed. With practiced ease, Jake snapped the cuffs onto hiswrists and hauled him to his feet. Fiona watched with satisfaction as Jake tookhim away.
Theyhad him.
Theyhad the man who had taken her sister.