Page 43 of Let Her Believe

Justthen, he heard a sound—like a whimper. Without hesitation, he veered sharplytowards the sound, adrenaline surging through his veins. He couldn't letanything happen to her, not on his watch. Too much was at stake, and he had tomake sure that the killer's reign of terror came to an end once and for all.

"Keepit together," he whispered to himself, drawing on every ounce of strengthand resolve he possessed. You're going to find her. You have to.

Emboldenedby his own words, Jake pushed his legs to move faster, his determinationfueling him like a roaring fire. He would not let fear control him; he wouldnot let Fiona down. The thought of her being harmed by the killer wasagonizing, but it only served to drive him forward with even greater fervor.

Hegritted his teeth, praying that he'd reach her in time. The distance betweenthem seemed to stretch on forever, a yawning chasm that refused to be bridged.But he couldn't afford to give up now. Not when everything hinged on thismoment, on finding Fiona and putting an end to the nightmare that had engulfedthem both.

Jake roundedthe corner, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he almost stumbled over hisown feet. The hall seemed to stretch on endlessly, but finally he reached adead-end - an alcove with a series of doors, some leading to storage closetsand another marked "break room." He skidded to a halt, his heartpounding in his ears.

"Whichone?" he muttered, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Theoppressive silence of the museum bore down on him, heightening his anxiety. Heknew Fiona was close; he could practically feel her presence, like an invisiblethread connecting them through the darkness.

Amuffled sound from behind one of the doors caught his attention. Jake's headsnapped up, his eyes narrowing as he tried to pinpoint its source. There - thedoor that was slightly ajar, revealing only a sliver of darkness beyond.

"Stop!"came the faint, desperate plea again, barely audible.

"Red!"he whispered fiercely, his voice trembling with fear and determination. Helunged toward the door; his hand outstretched to grasp the handle and throw itopen.

As Jakestepped cautiously into the dimly lit room, every nerve in his body screamedfor him to act, to do something - anything - to save Fiona and the possiblevictim. Time seemed to slow down, each second stretching into an eternity as hewilled himself to move faster, to be stronger.

With asurge of adrenaline, Jake threw the door open, his eyes immediately lockingonto the scene before him. Fiona, her face flushed and contorted in anger,struggled against Bradley's grip on her arm. His other hand clasped her throat,a menacing sneer marring his once-charming features. In the room's dim light,their shadows danced violently on the walls, reflecting the chaos within.

Theroom was a whirlwind of chaos. Jake's eyes swept over the scene, taking inevery detail. Fiona, her fiery red hair disheveled and wild, grappled with awiry man wearing black. Bradley Caine—their suspect—was fighting like acornered animal, his eyes wide with fear and desperation. In the dim light, Jakecould see an unconscious woman sprawled on the floor, her chestnut hair fannedout around her like a halo.

"Red!Get away from him!" Jake barked, his voice thundering through the room.

Fionahesitated for only a moment, her green eyes searching Jake's face before shetook advantage of Bradley's momentary distraction to twist free of his grip.

"BradleyCaine! Drop to your knees!" Jake shouted, his gun trained on the man'sheaving chest. "Now!"

"Alright,alright! I'm not going anywhere!" Bradley snapped, raising his hands insurrender as he stumbled back a step, putting distance between himself andFiona.

Jakeheld his gun steady, his finger lightly resting against the trigger, ready topull it at the slightest sign of resistance. His heart pounded in his ears, buthis resolve never wavered. He had sworn to protect Fiona, and he would do sountil his dying breath.

"Red,you okay?" he asked without taking his eyes off Bradley.

"I'mfine," Fiona replied, her voice tremulous but determined. "I saw himdragging the woman into the room. I couldn't just let him kill her."

"Staywith the woman, Red," Jake ordered, his mind racing as he considered theiroptions. They needed to get the woman to safety and apprehend Bradley withoutputting themselves in more danger. And they had to do it quickly before thesituation spiraled further out of control.

"Areyou sure you want to do this, detective?" Bradley spat, his voice drippingwith venom. "You'll never get away with it."

"Shutup!" Jake barked, the fury in his voice laced with icy resolve.

Jakeapproached Bradley cautiously, his gun still trained on the murderer. Theadrenaline coursing through his veins left him hyperaware of every sound andsensation in the room: the shallow breathing of the unconscious woman, Fiona'sbreaths behind him, and the subtle shift of tension as Bradley tensed hismuscles, ready to strike.

"Putyour hands behind your back," Jake ordered, trying to keep his voicesteady. He knew he couldn't afford a single misstep in a situation thisprecarious. "Now."

Bradleysmirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "You're making a big mistake,Agent. You really think you can take me down?"

"Shutup and do what I tell you," Jake growled, briefly glancing at Fiona, whostood protectively by the injured woman. She had a bruise forming on her cheek,but she held herself with determination. He'd be damned if he let Bradley hurther again.

"Okay,okay," Bradley said mockingly, slowly placing his hands behind his back.Jake moved closer, gun still aimed at the man's head, and reached for hishandcuffs with his free hand.

In thatsplit second, Bradley sprang forward. His fist connected with Jake's wrist,sending the gun flying across the room. Pain shot through Jake's arm, but hedidn't have time to dwell on it. Bradley lunged at him, fists swinging wildly.

"Jake!"Fiona cried out, panic lacing her voice.

Hedodged the first few punches, blocking the others with his forearm. He couldfeel Bradley's desperation, the frenetic energy of a man with nothing left tolose. But Jake was no stranger to violence, and years of training had honed hisinstincts to near perfection.