Page 20 of Let Her Believe

"He'sone of our guys," the employee replied, his brow furrowing. "But hewasn't working yesterday. Said he was sick."

"Convenienttiming," Jake muttered darkly, his jaw tightening. "Where can we findDave?"

"LastI saw, he was setting up a concession stand near the entrance," anotheremployee offered, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Fiona'smind raced. Could this Dave guy really be the one responsible for this?

"Thankyou for your cooperation," Fiona said with a nod, her eyes meeting Jake's.They had their target, and now it was time to close in. With each step towardthe exit, she felt her determination solidify.

Shewould not let this monster slip through their fingers.


As Jakemoved cautiously through the dimly lit entomology exhibit, his eyes scannedevery corner for any sign of their suspect. The air was heavy with the scent ofold wood and delicate insect specimens, and the eerie quiet that hung over themuseum only heightened his sense of unease.

"Dave?"he called out softly, not wanting to alert the man to their presence any morethan necessary. Fiona's footsteps echoed his own, her sharp gaze dartingbetween the rows of glass cases that housed the insects.

As theysearched for the concession stand--and Dave--Jake couldn't help but admire howFiona's determination had landed them this case. He was grateful to have her onhis team, both as his partner and his girlfriend. However, now was not the timeto dwell on such thoughts; Dave was still at large, and they needed to find himbefore he could slip away. It'd make sense that the killer was an employee withthe exhibit--he could have timed everything perfectly yesterday, giving himselfa perfect getaway before the museum went into lockdown.

Finally,they reached the entrance between the museum and the exhibit, where naturallight pooled in from the windows. Jake's gaze swept over the concession stand,pausing when he saw the wiry figure of Dave. He exchanged a quick glance withFiona, her eyes filled with determination.

"Dave!"Jake called out, his voice authoritative and commanding. "FBI! Stop whatyou're doing and step away from the counter."

Themoment the words left his lips, Dave's head jerked up in surprise. Panic flaredin his eyes, and without a second thought, he bolted towards the back door ofthe exhibit hall.

"Damnit!" Jake cursed under his breath, and they raced after the fleeingsuspect. The chase was on.

Davedarted between the glass displays, his footsteps echoing in the silent museumhall. Jake and Fiona pursued him with equal fervor, their eyes trained on theirtarget as they closed the distance between them. Dave was fast, but they hadtrained for this. They knew how to take down a target running away from them.

Butjust as they were closing in, Dave ducked around a corner. Jake darted afterhim--only to have a glass case come hurling down toward them. Jake ducked back,grabbing Fiona, and they narrowly missed the weight of the case as it fell andshattered all over the tile floor.

"Watchyour step!" Jake shouted, and they moved cautiously through the exhibithall. Their shoes crunched on the shards of broken glass, making them steplightly. Jake knew that Dave was still somewhere in the museum, and theycouldn't let him get away. Not now, not when they were so close to catchinghim.

As theypushed forward, their ears pricked at the sound of a distant door slammingshut. They exchanged a look, and without another word, they moved toward thedirection of the sound. Their feet pounded against the polished floor, echoingthrough the dimly lit hallways. Cases of insects loomed on either side, theirglass surfaces reflecting the fear that coursed through Jake's veins – the fearof losing Dave, the fear of failure.

Then,up ahead, they spotted him in a hallway.

"Dave,stop! You can't outrun us!" Jake bellowed, adrenaline fueling his everymove. But Dave continued his desperate flight, weaving between displays andknocking aside anything that stood in his path.

"Cuthim off!" Fiona called out, veering towards a nearby corridor, hoping tointercept the fugitive.

As Jakerounded a corner, the distance between him and Dave rapidly closed. Reachingout, his fingers brushed against the fabric of Dave's jacket, only for the manto unexpectedly change direction.

With asharp intake of breath, Jake lunged forward, his hand wrapping around Dave'sarm just as they careened past a delicate case of butterflies. The glasstrembled under the force of their collision, threatening to shatter and releaseits inhabitants.

"Jake,watch out!" Fiona cried, her voice strangled with fear.

In aninstant, Jake was forced to make a choice: apprehend Dave and risk destroyingthe exhibit or save the collection.

Hesteadied the teetering display. The butterflies fluttered in agitation, theirwings a blur of color against the darkness.

"Damnit," he muttered, straightening up and pulling out his radio."Security, this is Special Agent Jake Tucker. Lock down all exitsimmediately. We have a fugitive on the loose."


The airin the museum was heavy with tension as Jake took a moment to catch his breath,his chest heaving from the chase. He could feel the adrenaline coursing throughhis veins, igniting a fire within him that burned with frustration anddetermination.

"Jake,"Fiona panted, her face flushed as she caught up to him, "he has to be heresomewhere."