“There’s a reason she doesn’t come here for holidays. She got a lot of crap from the coven members for walking away when she did. She mostly stays out of Magic Springs so she doesn’t have to deal with that.” Grans broke a second cookie in half. “So what’s on the plan today? We need to get Christina out of that goop before she starts to shrivel up.”

“Well, I’m going to go talk to Mark this morning. Then I’m helping Abigail with cooking. Maybe if we do something else, we’ll realize what we’ve missed.” Mia glanced around the table. “Do we need to make breakfast first?”

“No, I can do cereal. I’ll take Muffy out first, then I’ll start getting the Sleeping Beauty spell set up. When is Levi coming home?” Grans finished her second cookie and nodded to Muffy, who was sitting by the apartment door, waiting.

“Wednesday unless we need them earlier. You tell me.” Abigail brushed off the cookie crumbs from her hands.

“She should be good until Wednesday. Her phone is ringing off the hook. Her mother.” Grans took the phone out of her jacket pocket. “You might want to call her back before Mark Baldwin shows up on a missing person call. Muffy, I’m coming.”

Mia stood. “I can take Muffy out.”

Grans waved her away. “I need to stretch my legs anyway. You just get ready to go see Mark. And call that woman. I can feel the frustration every time she calls. She thinks Christina’s ignoring her.”

“Well, I’ll have to keep it short. Maybe Christina has a cold. That’s it. She’s been sick since she got up Sunday morning. She went and took the test and then just went to bed. Did anyone else at the party complain about being ill?” Mia nodded. That was the way to deal with Mother Adams. Until Christina could actually talk to her on Wednesday. If not before.

“Whatever you have to do. And keep that phone downstairs. We don’t need more strong feelings around Christina right now. She’s vulnerable to any over-the-top emotions, not just love.” Grans opened the door and called Muffy to follow. The little dog wagged his way through the door and out of the apartment.

“Okay, so now I have to call Mother Adams and talk to Mark Baldwin. It’s beginning to look like Christmas from my to-do list,” Mia groused.

Abigail laughed and refilled her coffee cup. Then she headed to the apartment door. “Just don’t forget to come down and help me cook. Otherwise I’ll be down there until time to make deliveries tomorrow.”

“At least we’re having a strong delivery season. Even if we haven’t done a single catering event this month.”

“Oh, we have two scheduled for next weekend. A tea for the Reading Society and a party for the bowling league. The estimate you gave them from the Lodge was too high for their budget. So they called me.” Abigail tapped a finger on her lips. “Maybe that’s how you can help out Mia’s Morsels while you’re at the Lodge. Give them a really high quote for the parties, and then they’ll come to us.”

“Yeah, but that only works if they have a different place to host or we can host it here. Maybe that’s what we should advertise. A night at the haunted school for your party.” Mia shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt around Halloween.”

“True. We’ll make it out of this mess. I promise. And don’t you even think you’re going to have to work this weekend. I’ve got it covered, as long as Christina comes back to us by then. If that doesn’t happen, well, I’m not sure what we’re going to do.”

“Let’s just think good thoughts,” Mia said, and then she groaned. She was starting to sound like her grandmother. “I’m calling Mother Adams, wish me luck.”

“I’ll bathe you in golden light for that call.” Abigail left the apartment, and Mr. Darcy followed her.

For a minute, Mia sat staring at the phone. What if they couldn’t save Christina? Was it fair for her to not tell her mom and let her say her goodbyes now? Mia shook her head. She wasn’t going there. Besides, as soon as Mother Adams found Christina in the bathtub of goop, she’d freak, call the EMTs, and probably ban anyone besides her immediate family from the hospital room. Then they’d never save her.

Being a witch was hard when you were trying to deal with the mortal world. Some things they just didn’t understand. Like magical healing. She took a deep breath and called Christina’s mom, trying to sound like Christina. When the call was answered, she dropped her voice to a growl. “Hi, Mom. I’m sorry I haven’t called you back. I’ve been so sick.”

“You still are from what I’m hearing. I was ready to come up and take you to lunch today to see what you thought of Edward. He’s very nice, isn’t he?”

Mia could hear the hope in Mother Adams’s voice. “Yes, he’s nice, but Mom, we talked about this. I’m dating Levi. And not just because he lives in Magic Springs. Edward and I don’t have anything in common.”

“That’s not true. You know a lot of the same people. He’s always down here going to parties we attend. You didn’t give him a chance. He said you were nice, but the two of you didn’t click. Did you even try?”

“Did I try to seduce him when I have a boyfriend?” Mia bit her tongue for a second, giving her the time to frame her next words. “No, Mom. I didn’t try that. I like Edward. And if things with Levi don’t work out, I’ll call him. But please, don’t hold your breath on this and don’t set me up on another blind date. It’s embarrassing for both me and the unlucky guy.”

“Well, I suppose if you’re truly not interested in bettering your life . . .”

Mia laughed. “Bettering my life through marriage? No. I’m not interested in that. I am getting a degree and planning on having an amazing career in the hospitality industry. Just like my brother. I’m so glad you taught both your kids the value of party planning. It really reinforced my career choices. I better go lie down. I’m feeling worn out and I have a raging headache. I’ll call this weekend.”

And before Mother Adams could respond, Mia hung up.

Mia looked over at Gloria, her kitchen witch familiar. “Goddess, please forgive me for that last crack about party planning. I’m sure Mother Adams didn’t mean to train both her kids in the fun of putting on a party. Even though it has been her own life’s work.”

Gloria giggled, and Mia thought that the Goddess found the comparison amusing as well. Mia knew that Mother Adams wouldn’t, and she would have to let her friend know what she’d done. Maybe Christina could blame it on being delusional from a fever.

At least Mia felt better.

Chapter Nine