When she reached Christina’s old room, she locked the door and sank onto the bed. “Oh, Christina, I hope I do you proud tonight. If you could sit on my shoulder, that would be helpful.”

In the distance, she heard laughter. Apparently, Gloria was having fun with Mia’s predicament. At least someone was. Mia got dressed and then glanced in the mirror. Christina’s face beamed out at her. “This is the stupidest thing I’ve done. You better appreciate this, missy.”

Christina smiled at her. Or Mia smiled at herself. The lines were blurring a bit.

Mia took a deep breath and opened the door. She could hear people milling around downstairs. The party had started, and her countdown to leave and go home had started as well. She stepped out into the hallway and closed the bedroom door.

“Christina!” A woman grabbed her and pulled Mia into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here tonight. With everything that’s going on I haven’t had time to ask you, and I know it’s a big ask, especially since you’re friends with Mia.”

Mia stepped out of the hug and stared at the woman. This had to be Isaac’s new girlfriend. The woman he’d been sleeping with while they were still together. Jessica was the other woman. Mia had met her once, but she’d been so angry seeing the woman in Mia’s robe, she hadn’t actually looked at her. Jessica and Christina were friends, or at least friendly. Mia pasted on a smile, hoping it didn’t look as fake as it felt. “Jessica, how are you? You look lovely.”

“I would hope so since your brother’s going to ask me to marry him tonight. Well, technically, he already did, but this is for the party.” Jessica bounced in her tulle princess dress. She even had a tiara in her hair. The perfect soon-tobe daughter-in-law for Mother Adams. “I talked to your mom, and she said you’d probably say yes, but would you be my maid of honor?”

“Oh, well, of course I will.” Mia hugged the other woman again. Christina was going to kill her. But she needed to bury the hatchet with her brother about the way he broke it off with Mia. And this seemed right. “I’m so happy for the two of you.”

“Awesome. I was so worried. I told Isaac that you might not accept my offer. He, well, he recommended that I ask one of my friends. But we’re going to be sisters forever. And that’s more important, right?”

“Right.” Mia glanced toward the balcony that looked over at the foyer. “Oh, people are already here. We should be mingling before dinner.”

“You’re right as usual. I can’t believe how much I have to learn about proper etiquette.” She tried to link her arm with Mia’s. “Let’s go.”

Mia pulled back. “Actually, I just realized I forgot something. You go ahead.”

“I can wait.”

Mia shook her head. “Please don’t. Go have fun. This is your night.”

Jessica grinned and bounced toward the stairs. “You’re right, of course. I guess I’m going to be saying that a lot.”

Mia turned to her door, and as she opened it, a voice from the hall stopped her.

“You can’t hide here forever, you know. Mom will find you.” Isaac stepped out from a corner and toward Mia. “You look amazing, little sister.”

“Thanks, Isaac,” Mia croaked out. “You look great yourself.”

He brushed imaginary lint off the black suit. Then he looked in the direction Jessica had left the hallway. “All in a day’s work. Jessica’s very excited about tonight. I just needed a few minutes to step away from the sugar overload that is my future wife.”

Mia smiled. Now that sounded like her Isaac. The man whom she’d fallen in love with so many years ago. He had a wicked sense of humor and didn’t care what his family wanted him to do. He’d been hidden for years. “You better get used to the sweetness.”

He sighed. “I will. Just give me a few seconds. Anyway, I wanted to ask you how Mia’s doing? Does she like Magic Springs? How’s the catering business going?”


“Yeah, your boss? My ex-fiancée? I bet she’s still steamed at me. But it was her own fault. She couldn’t bend to Mom’s wishes. And you know how persistent Mom can be.” He turned his head away from Mia.

“Mia’s fine. She’s got a full life without you, so don’t worry about it.” Mia wanted to say so much more, but she also needed to pretend to be Christina. She moved toward the stairway. “Are we ready to go down?”

Isaac blocked her. “In a minute. I hear she’s dating someone. He runs the grocery store. What’s up with that? She’s so much better than that.”

Mia leaned against the doorframe. He wasn’t letting this go. “Isaac, stop. It’s over between you and Mia. You’re announcing your engagement tonight.”

He dropped his head as he stepped back, studying his shoes. “I know. It’s just, well, I miss her. She was amazing and I couldn’t see it.”

Mia wanted to give him a hug. Tell him she was fine. But she wasn’t Mia tonight. She was Christina. And Christina wouldn’t fall for this from her brother. So instead, she popped him in the arm with her fist. “Your loss, big brother. You messed up the best thing you ever had. So, I’m dying for a drink. What about you?”

As they made their way down the stairs, Mia took a big breath. Her first test was done, and she’d passed. Or at least made it through without blowing her cover. Now she just had to make it through three, maybe four more hours of torture. Christina was going to owe her big for this one. If I don’t blow up Christina’s life, Mia thought.

Chapter Five