Mia grabbed Christina’s purse and took out the keys to her new Land Rover. She used the remote to start the engine and took a breath. “You two be good while I’m gone.”

“Yes, mother,” Grans replied.

For some reason, that didn’t make Mia feel any more confident.

She drove the Land Rover out of town, waving at people as they waved at her. Christina must have made a lot of friends in Magic Springs, because Mia didn’t know most of these people. She turned the music up as she turned onto the freeway. She had two hours and she wanted to think about who might have killed Professor Brewer. She’d gone back to the Lodge with Abigail this morning and talked to the few people who’d been there last night. But so far, according to rumors, the only one who seemed to have a motive was his wife, since he tended to have affairs. Frank’s name had come up because there had been a rumor that Geoffrey was supposed to have gotten Mia’s job.

Although if it was about her job, wouldn’t she or Frank be the unlucky victim?

The music stopped as Christina’s phone rang. Trent was calling. She told the car to answer. “How did you find me?”

“I talked to Mom and she told me your crazy plan. You’re going to pretend to be Christina? You don’t even know which fork to use at these fancy parties.” Trent sounded grumpy.

“One, it’s not a crazy plan. I couldn’t tell Mother Adams that Christina had been hit with a random mitten curse. And she couldn’t not show up. They are just beginning to talk to each other.” Mia pointed out all the good reasons that she should do this. “And I’ll have you know, I attended my share of these dinners so I do know what fork to use.”

“Okay, I’ll give you the fork thing. But attending puts you in the position of not saying anything stupid to Mrs. Adams. What if Isaac says something about you? Can you keep your cool then?”

“I hope so. My plan is to dodge and weave. I’ll talk to everyone I can and just avoid Isaac and his mother. Then no one will get hurt or upset.” Mia sighed, glancing at Christina’s face in the rearview mirror. “It might not be a great plan, but it’s all I have. I don’t want to mess up Christina’s relationship with her mom. Speaking of parents, how’s the trip going?”

“Trying to change the subject?” Trent laughed. “I don’t blame you. The trip is fine. It’s been nice to do things with Dad and Levi, but I think all of us really just want to be home. Dad said something about maybe coming home a day or so early.”

“Well, just don’t come back before we save Christina. I need your mother at the school, and I’m not sure we could explain this to someone else.” Mia flipped on the turn signal and passed an older sedan going five miles under the speed limit. “While I’m playing Christina, your mom’s going to call around and see if she can pick up any gossip about Brewer.”

“Like if he was sleeping with his students?”

“Why would you say that?” Mia felt the frown on her face even though she couldn’t see it.

“I hear rumors at the store too. Last month, a couple of his wife’s friends were getting ready for a girls’ night at Kate’s house and I heard them talking about poor Kate and her wandering husband. I can’t believe how people talk about others in a public place. I was right there stocking wine when they were talking about a person who’s supposed to be their friend and about her marriage falling apart.”

“People love to talk. Especially about other people.” Mia glanced at the clock on her display. “I think I timed this perfect. I shouldn’t have too much time before the party starts, so I don’t have to make small talk with Mother Adams.”

“Just don’t deck Isaac or his new girlfriend. I’m pretty sure that might blow your cover. Just think WWCD, over and over.”

Mia had to think for a second, and then she laughed. “Okay, so it’s all about What Would Christina Do tonight.”

“And put in a good word for Levi. He thinks her mom doesn’t like him,” Trent added.

“He’s standing next to you, isn’t he?” Mia laughed. “Well, the problem is that Levi’s not wrong. He’s not a professional, he skis too much, and he isn’t independently wealthy. I think if he fixed that last one, Mother Adams would be more open to him dating her daughter.”

“I’ll tell him to get right on that wealthy thing. Maybe he can invent something that everyone needs, file a patent, and then live off the royalties for the next hundred years.” Trent paused. “See, I’ve got him thinking.”

“I think he might be reconsidering his life with Christina, not how to become wealthy.” She turned off the freeway at the Broadway exit. “I’m into Boise traffic. I’ll call you on the way home. If you’re too busy to talk, I’ll understand.”

“I’ll be waiting to hear what the Boise upper crust is thinking about life.” He paused. “Be careful. Sometimes these glamours can drop at the worst times. If you feel woozy, get out of there.”

“Warning taken.” She took a deep breath. “Thanks for the support with this. I don’t want to mess with Christina’s life any more than I’m already doing by having her work for me.”

When she hung up, she admired the Christmas lights the city had installed on the power poles lining the streets. The town was beautiful, even this section that housed the university. The stadium was lit up in blue and orange lights, a nod to the team’s colors and the blue Smurf Turf on the football field. Boise was an unusual city, but most of the people were fun and easy to get along with. Except maybe the older Mr. and Mrs. Adams and their cheating son, Isaac. She drove through the collection of government buildings and then turned on Harrison Boulevard and toward the Adams house.

“How bad could one party be?” she asked aloud as she pulled her car into the driveway where a valet stood, ready to take her keys. She grabbed her tote and headed inside the house.

Mother Adams was in the living room and saw her come in. “Christina, there you are. I was worried there had been a crash on the freeway and you were going to be stuck in traffic. I told you to come earlier. We need to talk about something.”

Mia paused at the bottom of the stairs, thankful that Mrs. Adams had given her a valid excuse. “Sorry, I was delayed by traffic. Is the dress in my old room? I’ll run upstairs and change and come right back down. I’m sure you don’t want your guests to see me like this.”

Mother Adams gave Mia the look over. “You’re right. Go change in your old room. I set up a guest room in there, but you have clothes and such in the closet. Tani refilled it after you moved all your stuff out.”

Which you told Christina to do. But instead of reminding Christina’s mother of that fact, Mia just smiled and headed upstairs. Tani must be one of the servants that worked for the Adamses. Since Christina might know her, Mia just ignored the mention. “Be back down in a jiffy.”