He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. “It didn’t stop my pain.”

Chapter 24

They stayed that way for what seemed like forever. Hoping that he’d fallen asleep, Rarity glanced at the door and started to stand.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.”

The words made her sink back down in the couch. “Look, Darby didn’t hurt you. You killed Catherine, and she was the one you blamed for losing your family. Isn’t that enough?”

“Are you a Christian?”

The words surprised her, especially from a man holding her hostage with a gun. Now she wished she’d taken the time to eat before she’d come to Darby’s. Maybe he would have left, thinking no one was coming. But no, that would have just made it Darby who was killed today. Maybe she still had a chance to talk him out of this. “I went to church as a kid. I had a cancer diagnosis a year ago. Now, I’m not sure what I believe.”

“Honesty. I like that.” He opened his eyes and looked at her. “You look like you made it through. Your hair is probably shorter since the chemo, but then again, it’s the style now. Anyway, in the Old Testament, there are lots of stories of revenge. Even from God himself. Mercy doesn’t seem to be a theme in the stories until Christ shows up in the New Testament. God’s not the loving Father of today’s watered-down sermons. He wiped out entire nations to ease his anger. I’m just taking out one family.”

“That’s not fair. You don’t kill everyone just because of what one person did. Besides, you were the one trying to make AGN9. You were the killer.” Rarity clamped her lips together. She hadn’t meant to mention the pesticide.

“You have done your research.” He stood and started pacing. “Who else was working with you? I might have a few loose ends here in town to clear up before I go looking for Jeff. I have to say, Catherine’s family is keeping me entertained. I thought I’d exact my revenge and be done in a few months, not decades. For a life’s mission, she’s keeping me busy.”

Her stomach growled, and she wondered how long she’d been here and—she closed her eyes—how close it was to the time when Darby would walk through the front door and time would cease to exist for her and Rarity.

He must have heard her stomach, because he laughed. “Our bodies betray us. Even in your fear of dying, it still wants to eat. To stay alive to fight another day. I’d let you go get something from the kitchen, but it has too many sharp objects. And I don’t have anything to tie you up with so I can go instead. If it helps, I’m hungry too. But I’ll wait until I’m in Flagstaff to stop. I need to get some distance between your law enforcement and me before I relax even a little.”

The grandfather clock in the hallway rang out three chimes. Rarity’s heart fell. Darby would be home from Flagstaff at any time. And then this would be over. She tucked her head next to Killer’s and gave him a kiss. “You were a great sidekick. Sam will take you in. Maybe the next home you’ll be in it a little longer, but remember, you were always loved.”

Taft started slow clapping. “Very moving. Maybe I need a dog. What’s this one’s name? I hate to take something that ties me to Sedona, but if I keep him out of sight for a while, it might work.”

“No, you said you’d leave him alone. My friend will take care of him.” Rarity stood and pointed her finger at him. Even the thought of him taking Killer made her see red. “You just leave him alone.”

The door to the study burst open. Rarity felt herself pushed back to the couch while a wall of black stood in front of her. They looked like the soldiers in the older Star Wars movies. She called out, “What’s going on?” But no one seemed to hear her.

She heard a thud and a few voices, then the wall of black moved, and one of the soldiers pulled off his helmet. Drew reached out a hand and pulled her to her feet. “Are you okay?”

“How did you know to look for me? And why are we in a movie?” She looked around the room. The soldiers had what looked like automatic weapons on their chests. And Taft was on his stomach on the floor. His hands behind his back in handcuffs.

“Did you hit your head? Did he hit you?” Drew stared into her eyes. “You don’t seem to have a concussion. I should know, I’ve been dealing with Dad all night.”

“Just get me out of here. I’ve got a to-go order that’s waiting for me.” Rarity looked back at Taft one last time. “And I’m starving.”

Rarity let Drew lead her out of the library. Poor Darby, so many things had happened in that house in the last few weeks, Rarity wasn’t sure she’d want to live there. Drew sat her down in the dining room. “I’ve called Archer to come get you. He said he’ll pick up your to go order. It’s at the Garnet?”

Rarity blinked, his words weren’t making a lot of sense. She rubbed her arms, trying to focus. “No, Carole’s.”

Drew texted a message to Archer as she looked around the dining room. Darby had started making the space her own. At the end of the table was a pile of her school books and she’d set up a small television in the room. Darby. “Darby called and said she thought she’d left the back door unlocked. That’s why I came over.”

“We know. When she didn’t get a text from you, she got worried. So she texted Sam, who checked the shop and seeing it was still locked up, she called me.” Drew sat down next to her. “Then we used the Sedona network to find out what was happening here.”

“I don’t understand. What Sedona network?” Rarity wondered if she was going into shock. Words weren’t making sense. She pulled Killer closer and he licked her hand.

“The neighbors. They’d seen you go in but they knew Darby was at school, so they were worried. I came into the house through the back door and heard you talking in the study about Catherine. So I called in the swat team. I didn’t hear all the conversation, but he’s the one who killed Catherine’s husband?”

“William, Billy, Taft. He wanted to eliminate her whole family because she’d caught him trying to produce a pesticide that would have killed people. I don’t understand some people and their lack of personal responsibility.” She turned to Drew. Her vision was clearing and she didn’t feel like she was going to heave anymore. “Thank goodness for Darby following up. If she’d just come home, well, I hate to think about it.”

“Yeah, she’s a smart one.” Drew turned and Archer was hurrying into the dining room with a to go bag. “Here’s your lunch, special delivery.”

Archer ran to her and pulled her and Killer into a hug. “I can’t believe what just happened. Are you all right?”

At that moment, Rarity felt better than she had in years. She held on tight, hoping they wouldn’t squeeze Killer in the hug.