Chapter 22

Before Shirley’s Mommy and Me class started, a young woman with a camera came into the bookstore and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Beth Charters. I’m a reporter for theSedona Star.I hear you’re doing a few more book clubs starting this month. Can I talk to you about them? Maybe snapsome pictures?”

Rarity held out her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Rarity Cole, owner of The Next Chapter. I’ll be glad to talk with you for a while. Our Mommy and Me class starts in a few minutes. Do you want to sit in?”

Beth leaned down and petted Killer. “Do you want to be my baby so I have someone to read a book with?”

Killer barked at her and went back around the counter tolie in his bed.

Rarity smiled. “I don’t think he identifies as a baby. That’s Killer. I’ve had him for about a year now.”

“He’s adorable. I have a German shepherd. My boyfriend has a house with a yard, so I thought why not. I’ve always wanted to own one. We do classes once a month so he’s well trained. And smart. I didn’t know how smart dogs could be. My mom didn’t want us to have pets.” Bethwas a rambler.

“So what did you want to ask?” Rarity handed her flyers for all five of the book clubs, including Tuesday night’s. “I’m hoping to add a couple more adult groups once I get some employees hired. As it is, Shirley’s here for all of the book clubs. Although she’s a member of the club on Tuesday, not an employee.”

“Shirley goes to church with my folks. She’s always busy with one activity or another.” Beth pulled out a notebook that had several questions already written down. She added in a few things they’d already talked about. “You’re not a Sedona native. What madeyou move here?”

Rarity talked about surviving breast cancer and deciding to follow her dream. “My best friend, Sam Aarons, runs the crystal shop next door. She told me about the building being for sale, and the next thing I knew, I’d bought the building, my house, and I was moving to Sedona.”

“That’s brave.” Beth glanced up at her from her notebook. “I’ve lived here all my life except for the four years I went to school in Tucson.”

“Some people know where they belong early.” Rarity smiled. “What else can I tell you?”

They got through Beth’s questions right before Shirley started the Mommy and Me class. Rarity handed her the book they’d be reading. “Just in case you want tofollow along.”

“Thanks. Do you think it would be okay to get some pictures of Shirley as well as you and the bookstore? I won’t take any direct pictures of the moms or babies, and I’ll get releases from everyone who I do catch in a snap.” Beth tucked her notebook into her tote bag and took out her camera. She took a picture of the book, of Rarity, and one of Killer, sleeping.

Rarity watched as the reporter moved toward the fireplace, where she sat so she could watch Shirley. She’d had reporters here when she first moved into the building, but she should have thought to send a press release about the book clubs. Another reason she needed some help at the bookstore. With the clubs, she thought she was selling enough books to be able to afford to hire someone in addition to Shirley. The school had been subsidizing wages for Janey and Caleb and probably would again for a new hire, but she thought she’d just put up an ad in the local paper and see what she could get. She’d make the first line of the ad “Must love books.” Hopefully that would bring in the rightkind of people.

She worked on a long-range to-do list that included the press release idea. She didn’t have to send this one to theStar,but maybe the Flagstaff papers would be interested. And maybe her old hometown as well as her college magazine. By the time Shirley’s class ended, she had a full page of ideas and a line of moms waiting tobuy more books.

As the crowd thinned out, Beth came over and had Rarity sign a release for the photos. “I’m not sure when they’ll publish this, but I’m going home to write it now. Maybe we can get more interest for your Saturday elementary school–aged club.”

“That would be lovely.” Rarity waved goodbye to Beth and the last of the moms. Then she went over to help Shirley clean up. “You did amazing as always.”

“You were working on something. How do you know I did amazing?” Shirley handed her a cookie. “Does it look like a giraffe? The book was told in Gerry the Giraffe’s viewpoint, so I thought itmight be cute.”

“It’s adorable. And yes, I was working on some planning for the future, but everyone told me how much fun they had and what a great job you’re doing.” She bit into the giraffe cookie. “And we’re getting some interest from the local paper. You’re goingto be famous.”

“I’m sure they’ll use your picture, or even Killer’s, for the story. I’m just the club leader; you’re the bookstore owner.” Shirley arranged the last of the chairs. “Now what else can I do? I’m here for the full day today.”

“Actually, I do have a few things. Do you want to write a press release or handle the counter while I do?”

“I’ll handle the front, but send me a copy of the press release, and I’ll try my hand at it for next month’s featured books for the clubs.” Shirley walked with her toward the counter. “Are we doing three or four Mommy and Me classes a month? I told them we might take off next week since we don’t have a book club scheduled for Saturday either but that I’d check with you.”

“I think that’s a great idea. That way we can use the time to plan the nextmonth’s books.”

“We should have a calendar that we can have available and people can take home. And one on the website,” Shirley suggested.

“Hold on, let me write that down. So our first one will be next month, right? Do we have booksscheduled yet?”

They worked together on the calendar first since the books had already been picked out by Janey and Caleb.

Shirley sent the draft copy to both Rarity and herself. “I’m going to play around with some graphics at home.”

“Don’t be working a lot at home. And tell me what you do so I can pay you for the time,” Rarity reminded her.

“Of course.” Shirley winked as she greeted a customer that had just come up to the register. “How can I help you today?”