“Running a small business isn’t for the weak. We work all the time, and when we’re not working, we make lists of things we should be doing when we are.” He squeezed her hand. “Do we have enough leftovers fora taco dinner?”

“Of course, but I’m making mine a taco salad.” She stood and pulled him to his feet.“Want to help?”

“I was going to handle it and just bring you a beer so you could relax.” He leaned in and kissed her. “You’ve had a busy week.”

“I’ve had a crazy week. Helping you with dinner is a spot of normalcy I’d like to enjoy.” She followed him into the kitchen and opened the fridge, handing him things as she found them. “I’m getting used to having you around all the time. I’m going to miss you when this is over and you go back to your apartment.”

He didn’t say anything. When Rarity looked up, he was watching her. “What?”

“That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me.” He leaned into the fridge with her. “Did you make anySpanish rice?”

* * * *

The next morning, she swam while Archer made breakfast. She’d told him to go and do his work, but he said he could log in from his laptop and do most of what he needed to get done here. Then he’d walk her to the store, where Jonathon would be waiting to work on his book.

After they finished breakfast and did the dishes, she called Sam. “Hey, I’m just checking in. Did that woman ever come in for a necklace last week?”

“Oddly enough, no. I called her on Wednesday and told her when I’d be in the shop, but she never showed. Customers are flakes like that. That’s why you need to get them committed when they first fall in love with a piece. If they have time to think, they may not buy.” She sounded okay. Not excited, but not sad either. “I’m glad you called. I wanted to tell you that I won’t be at the Tuesday book club until this is all settled. I don’t want to stop you guys from talking freely. And any discussion around Marcus justmakes me mad.”

“Are you sure?” Rarity had her planner out and marked Sam’s name down near the book club. “Everyone knows your situation. They understand whenyou get upset.”

“They might, but I don’t. And I don’t want to be yelling at Shirley for her just stating a theory or her opinion. It’s not fair to the group.” She sighed. “Besides, Marcus will be leaving as soon as this is settled. He’s going back to California. He says Arizona is just too small-town for him.”

“I’m sorry, Sam.” And Rarity was truly sorry. It seemed like whether or not Marcus killed Janey, he was going to be disappearing from Sam’s day-to-day life soon. “Have you talked with Drew?”

“Not recently. I know I need to call, but I’m not sure what to say. Besides, he still has Marcus as a suspect. Until that changes, I can’t even look at him without listing off all the reasons my brother couldn’t have killed anyone.” Sam murmured something to someone, probably Marcus, in the background. “Look, I’ve got to go and get breakfast made. Thanks for calling, and I’ll talkwith you soon.”

When Rarity hung up, she saw Archer playing with Killer and pretending not to watch her. “That was Sam. She’s not coming to book club until Janey’s murder is solved.”

“That’s probably for the best. I bet it’s really hard for her to hear people discussing it.” He gave Killer a rub on the head and walked over to her. “I’m sorry this is hard on the two of you.”

“I don’t understand why she won’t just talk to me. We used to talk about everything.” Rarity stepped closer and let Archer wrap his arms around her. She felt the tears starting to well up. “We’re best friends. Or we were.”

“Give her some time and space. She’ll come back. She’s dealing with a lot,” Archer said as he rubbed her back.

Finally, Rarity stopped crying and stepped away from Archer. She glanced at the clock. “Let me go wash my face and put my makeup back on. I’ll be ready to go ina few minutes.”

“No rush.”

When she came out, she saw him finish a message on his phone. He tucked it away in his jeans.“Are you late?”

“No, my new assistant is early. I told him to go get us some coffee, and I’ll be there soon.” Archer grabbed his backpack. “I’m going to teach him invoicing and scheduling today. Or at least what I do. He’ll probably have a new system set up for meby next week.”

“Oh, I should text Jonathon and tell him we’re on our way.” Rarity reached for her phone, but Archershook his head.

“Already done. He’ll be there before we are.” He handed her the tote. “Anything you need toput in there?”

She glanced inside and shook her head. “Nope, I’m ready. Killer? Are you readyto go to work?”

The dog ran to the door and stared at his leash. Then he turned andbarked at her.

“I guess that’s a yes and a ‘please hurry up.’” She turned off the lights and went to put on Killer’s lead. So much of what she did was automatic. She had a routine. Maybe that was the problem with this case. Since Janey was new to Sedona and the job and dating Marcus, all her routines had been upended. She took her phone out andstarted a text.

“I’ve already updated Jonathon.” Archer took Killer’sleash from her.

“I’m not texting Jonathon. I’m texting Drew.” She finished her message, then looked up at Archer. “We’re looking at this wrong. We need to know who knew where Janey was going to be that Saturday. Yes, it puts Marcus squarely in the crosshairs, but there had to be someone else. Her roommate? Her sister? Who knew she was going hiking to the quarry with Marcusthat morning?”

Drew’s text finally came back when they’d just arrived at the bookstore. It was short. She read it, then snorted.