“I should have thought of it sooner,” Rarity admitted. She clicked Killer’s leash on and handed it to Archer. “Hold him while I check the back door. I didn’t go out, but you never know. Jonathon or Shirley might have taken Killer out.”

He reached down and picked up the little dog. “Just hurry. I’m starving, and I want to make fresh French fries to go with the grilled burgers tonight.”

“I’m hurrying because that sounds awesome.” She went to the back room, then hurried over to the door. She checked the lock, then tried the door. All solid. As she was leaving, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A face plastered itself against her window, and she screamed. She took two steps backward and ran into a table.

Archer ran in, with Killer now on the floor and on his heels.“What’s wrong?”

“There was a face there.” She pointedto the window.

“Hold Killer and stay here. I’m locking the front door just in case this is a trap.” He took off from the back, and she could hear his footsteps as he ran to the front. When he got back, he had her baseball bat. She kept it behind the counter. She didn’t think she’d scare anyone away by waving it, but it felt good to have it nearby. Especially if Archer was swinging it.

No one tried to open the door while Archer was gone, but Rarity didn’t step closer to look out the window either. She’d seen too many horror movies where the arm broke through the glass or the door and pulled the victim through to the other side. Probably made up, but she wasn’t taking any chances. She had no desire to be a final girl in someone else’s story.

Archer came through the door. “Everything still all right?”

“Not sure, I didn’t play Scooby Doo.” She pointed to the outside window. “Can you see anyonein the alley?”

He leaned over and took a quick look into the alley. Then a second one. Finally, he opened the door and leaned out. “No one’s out here. They must have run whenyou saw them.”

Rarity went over and checked out the alley herself. She repeated,“I saw a face.”

“I believe you. I think they just ran when they saw you. Maybe it was a kid just checking out the place.” He closed the door and rechecked the lock. “Anyway, it’s clear now. Let’s go home.I’m starving.”

“Me too.” She stood from the table where she’d been leaning more than sitting. Just to be safe, she checked the lock and looked out the window to the alley before turning off the lights. She saw Archer watching her. “Sorry, I’m a little OCD on my closing process. I need to know thelocks are set.”

“Okay, I’ll remember that.” He took her in a short hug. “I know things are crazy right now, so whatever you need to do to make yourself comfortableis fine by me.”

She nodded as they left the room. “Worst-case scenario, they were looking for Sam’s back door and just got the wrong window. Which means I need to call Sam and let her know that someone might be looking for her.”

“I’ll call Drew. Call Sam and see if she’s still at the shop. If so, we’ll go over there and wait.” They stayed inside the bookstore while they made their calls.

“Sam’s already home,” she said whenArcher hung up.

He nodded. “Drew’s on his way over. He said he’d call Sam as soon as he checked it out. I guess we can go home.”

Rarity snuck a peek out the window by the door. The outside didn’t seem menacing, but she had seen someone in the alley. She took a deep breath, and Archer put hisarm around her.

“It’s going to be okay.” He opened the front door. “This too shall pass.”

“You sound like my cancer group. Always look at the bright side. And if things are bad, just push through.” She locked the door and tucked her keys into herjacket pocket.

“Does it work?” Archer waited for her to turn around before walking toward the sidewalk.

“Sometimes,” she admitted. “Other times, the darkness just needs to be pushed away, and you have to feelyour feelings.”

They walked in silence toward home. Rarity felt comfortable just being with Archer, not having to chat all the time, but she didn’t know if he felt the same way. This was not the time to have a heart-to-heart since Archer was at her house until this murder was solved. But still,Rarity worried.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Archer finally said.

“I was just thinking about Janey. Drew was supposed to find out who got her trust money. I wonder if he did?”

“You think someone thought they were inheriting, so they killed her for the money?” Archer nodded. “The thought had crossed my mind too.”

“Everyone loved her. I can’t see any other reason besides her money. And it had to be someone close. I didn’t even know she had a trust. She didn’t seemlike the type.”

“Marcus knew,” Archer said.

Rarity turned her head. She could barely see his face in the darkening light. “What do you mean?”