Rarity went with her standard order when she was out and it was available: salmon, salad, and a vegetable. She tried to eat healthy eighty percent of the time, and with the book club always tempting her with sweets, she had to eat clean at meals to counteract the cookies.
After the waitress had delivered their drinks and finished taking their orders, Shirley pulled out her notebook. “Any notes we need to make? I know Rarity talked to the sister, but anyone else pop out to the rest of us? I saw a man who has been hanging around Sedona for the last few weeks. I saw him at the Garnet last night when I met a friend fora late dinner.”
“I think you mean Josh. He was there last night when I was waitressing,” Malia added. “He’s on a job here. He comes into the Garnet a lot for dinner. He’s pretty chatty. He asked me out the other day, but I turned him down. I hate dating tourists. They always say they’re going to call or write when they get home, but they don’t.”
Rarity smiled at her friend’s assessment of Josh and the other tourists. She probably got hit on a lot, but Josh didn’t seem to have a type, since he had flirted with her as well at the bookstore. “He came into the bookstore and bought several thrillers. Same story, in town for a couple of weeks, needed reading material. Anda dinner date.”
Malia turned her head fast toward Rarity. “He asked you out too?”
“Well, kind of. Archer was there, and he had just confirmed our standing Monday dinner. So then Josh, after Archer left, mentioned that he’d been thinking about asking me to dinner.” Rarity shrugged. “Maybe he’s just lonely.”
Jonathon shook his head. “A man who’s supposed to be working shouldn’t have time to date while he’s out of town. I’d worry that he had a wife and familyback at home.”
“And leave it to our token male to bring the conversation back to reality.” Holly laughed. “I didn’t like the guy who was sitting by the sister. Heseemed creepy.”
“He’s her attorney.” Rarity added what she knew. “And yeah, I got a creepy vibe too. But I only saw him for lessthan a minute.”
“Well, at least the sister is another lead. Especially since they looked so much alike. I can’t believe she didn’t say anything about having a sister. Although we didn’t talk much that Tuesday night when she visited.” Holly cut into her steak. “Caleb seemed quiet today. He sat alone in the back. Do you think he’s handling this okay? I guess if they just met, he’d be like us.”
Rarity thought about the note that Janey had written with the romance novels. “According to her roommate, they hadn’t just met. Janey was constantly shutting down any romance between the two of them.” She remembered she hadn’t given Drew the paper. She took it out of her purse and gave it to Jonathon. “Would you give this to Drew? I forgot when I saw him earlier.”
Jonathon nodded and tucked the paper into his suit jacket without looking at it. Rarity admired his self-control. She would have at least asked what it was that she’d given him. Instead, the ex-cop just assumed it was important and none of his business.
“Okay, so we need to get together and talk about all this new information and see if it leads us somewhere. Do we want to wait for Tuesday? Or do you want to meet at my house Sunday afternoon?” Rarity pushed her salmon aroundwith her fork.
“I can be there after church.” Shirley raised her hand. “Shall I bring something to eat?”
“Let’s do a potluck,” Holly said. “That way I can stop at the Garnet and get a chicken bucket.”
“I’ll bring a side and a dessert,” Shirley volunteered.
“I make a mean salad,” Jonathon offered. “And I’ll bring a varietyof dressings.”
“Okay, the rest of us can just fill in things,” Rarity said. She’d talk to Archer and see what they could make on Saturday after work. “So for now, let’s just enjoy this lunch and the company. I’m feeling very grateful for this group today, especially afterthat service.”
The group held up their cups, and Jonathon toasted. “To The Next Chapter’s Tuesday Night sleuthers’ club. I’m so glad you let me crash your party.”
When she got home, it wasn’t long before Archer knocked on her door. “Hey, I know we didn’t have plans, but I’ve been thinking about you. Can we do something tonight?”
“As long as dinner’s here at home and I don’t have to get out of my yoga pants, I’m up for it. The funeral was nice, but going to those things always makes me a little emotional.”
“I’ll cook. We can talk and just relax. I had a crazy week, and tomorrow’s hike is going to be early and long. So I could use a little break.” Archer came in and saw Killer still on his bed with his back turned to the humans. “I take it he’s still mad he was leftbehind today?”
“He’s been there since I got home, except for the quick visit out to the potty pad.” Rarity went over to the couch and sank into it. “Maybe he’ll talk to you.”
“Just give him some time. He needs to express his outrage for being left behind.” Archer leaned over and kissed her. “Anything special you want, or can I rummage throughyour kitchen?”
“Rummage away. And while you’re there, think of something we can make for a Tuesday Night potluck on Sunday.” She grabbed the remote and turned on a favorite movie to watch whileArcher cooked.
“Wait, for Tuesday or for Sunday?” Archer held open the refrigerator door and looked back at her.“I’m confused.”
“We’re having a sleuthing meeting Sunday afternoon with a potluck. Not sure that’s the way Sherlock Holmes would have done it, but we’re a unique group.” Rarity curled her feet under her. “Let me know if you want me to chop or anything.”
“You chop things into too big of pieces. I can do this.” He started pulling out ingredients. “What about a white chicken chili for Sunday? That way we can make it on Saturday, and all you have to do is put it in a Crock-Pot early on Sunday. I’d come and set it up, but I’ve got a private group hike for a bunch of lawyers. They’re doing a retreat, so I have three different private hikes set up for next week starting on Sunday.”
“Sounds like a busy and profitable week.” She had a book club tomorrow that Caleb was running. Shirley wanted to at least help with the one next week. And now she had a weekly Mommy and Me group as well as the normal Tuesday Night book club meeting. “I only have Monday, Thursday, and Friday free next week. I think I overbooked this week.”
“You’re just getting into the feel of the book clubs. And you think you have to be there for everything. You can use that time that others are there running your clubs to do other work tasks. Me, I lock up the office if I’m out on a tour.” Archer had had an assistant, but she’d moved away a few months ago. And he hadn’t replaced her.