“Well, that might be true, but he’s not in his right head. And no one can be involved in a healthy relationship when you’re not healthy yourself.” Jonathon stood and met Drew’s gaze as an officer led Caleb out of the bookstore. “Everything okay, or does Rarity need to leave the shop for a while?”
“We’re fine. He’s admitted breaking in last night just before you left. He hid in the stacks and just sat here for hours. I don’t think he really would have killed himself, but he does need some help. I’ll take him over to Flagstaff Psychiatric, and they’ll hold him for a few days to see if they can get him stable.” Drew met Rarity’s gaze. “Areyou all right?”
She nodded. “I just feel so bad for him. He was lost without Janey. Even though they never dated.”
“Do you have his job application? I’d like to call his parents or relatives if possible. Maybe he’s already been in treatment, and the docs can use that to help him now.” Drew shook his head. “Archer’s going to be steamed. He’s been so focused on making sure you had someone with you, and still you get involved in this.”
“Caleb wasn’t here to hurt me. He just wanted his pain to end.” Rarity glanced out the window where Caleb was being put into a police car. “Come over to the counter, and I’ll get you a copy of his job application.”
Drew leaned on the counter. “Not to be a downer, but now you’re going to haveto hire again.”
“Well, for one spot. Shirley’s taking over Janey’s duties. So I just need one part-time person who loves books and hopefully likes to work with teenagers.” She pulled out his file and without looking at it made copies for Drew. “Let me know where I should send his last check, okay?”
Drew chuckled and took the paperwork. “I’m sorry your hires aren’t working out.”
“It happens, I guess.” She rolled her shoulders. “Maybe I should add some pointed questions in the interview. “Have you been or are you currently a stalker? Does anyone want to kill you or has attempted it in the past? Have you ever been incarcerated, and ifyes, what for?”
“If you asked me those questions, I’d have to decline any offer of employment from you,”Jonathon said.
Rarity looked around the empty shop. “Yeah, probably not the best way to hire trustworthy employees.”
Chapter 18
With all the chaos, Rarity realized she hadn’t called Holly or Malia. It was already three, and if she didn’t call soon, they’d both be gone to work for the night. She dialed Holly’s cell first. The women were roommates, so if she reached one, the other was sure to be nearby. The phone was answered on the first ring.
“Hi, Holly. I have a favor to ask you.”
“Are you all right? I just heard about Caleb when Malia and I had lunch at the Garnet. Did he hurt you? Are you at the hospital and need a ride home? We were just about to call and see what we could do.” Holly rattled on amile a minute.
Rarity smiled at her friend’s concern. It was nice having people who cared. Scary at times, but nice. “Hold on a minute. I’m fine. There wasn’t a problem. I can tell you all about it if someone will come to my house on Sunday to sit with me. Archer is doing a private tour, and Drew still doesn’t want me alone.” She felt like she was four-hundred years old.
“I’ll be there. Can I bring my laundry? I was planning on doing it on Sunday,” Holly explained.
“Sure, that would be fine.” She made a mental note to put her own laundry chores on Saturday’s list. She could fold on Sunday, but the machines had to be clear for Holly. “Malia’s welcome too. Or if you can’t come and she can. Whatever works.”
“Malia has a date.” Holly started laughing, and after what sounded like a struggle, Malia came on the line.
“I have a study session on Sunday, but I’ll be there as soon as I’m free. If you want me to come, that is.” Malia offered an explaination.
“Malia, that would be amazing. But if you’re busy, don’t worry about it. Archer just doesn’t want me alone.” Rarity told her the time she needed to be there.
“Then you won’t be alone.” She sighed. “Holly wants to talk to you again. I’ll be there as soon as I’m free.”
“That’s fine.”
Holly came back on the phone. “See, it’s got to be a date. She’d dump a study group faster than a load of rocks for a chance to hang out. Anyway, I’m getting the evil eye from our friend. I’ll seeyou at seven.”
The store started getting busy as soon as Drew left. She didn’t know if all businesses worked this way, but it seemed like anytime a cop car showed up at her business, walk-in traffic would stop while they were there. Then after they left, they’d be swamped with customers. Most were looking for information on what had happened, but every one of them bought at least one book to have some time to chat with Rarity.
She felt a little bad about milking the attention, but as she saw it, at least they got a good book for their trouble. And anyone with that much curiosity needed at least one book to enjoy. At least that was her story. Jonathon kept himself busy, and if someone asked him, he feigned ignorance and sent them to Rarity to get their questions answered.
Rarity glanced at her calendar and saw that she still had the hair appointment tomorrow morning. She watched as Jonathon was packing up his laptop. “Any chance you want to drive with me to Flagstaff tomorrow morning so I can getmy hair done?”
He closed his briefcase. “People are going to start to talk, even if I am old enough to be your grandfather, but yes, I’d be happy to go.”
“You’re old enough to be my father, and if you need me to call Edith and tell her why you’re hanging out with me, I will.” She got her own tote ready and sat to wait for Archer to arrive. “Archer’s busy, or I’d make him go.”
“I’m always busy. What am I getting out of now?” Archer came into the building and shook Jonathon’s hand. “I hear you two had a busy day yourselves.”