Also By Vera Valentine

The Carnal Cryptids Series

The Holiday Hedonism Series



A Briar Glenn Short Story

Spencer grew up hearing stories about Briar Glenn’s Moth Madam.

She should have been afraid to go into the woods by herself, but like a moth to a flame, there was something about them she couldn’t resist.

After a chance encounter with the Moth Madam and her pet, she finds herself caught in their web—with no desire to escape.

This story has:

Spider man/insect monsters, primal play, pre-agreed upon drugging with venom, biting, dom/sub dynamics, ‘rope’ play, mentions of sub-drop, collaring.


I stared at the clock,hoping the last few minutes of my shift at The Briar Glenn Bookshop passed without another customer walking through the door. Tonight, I had a very important appointment and any tardiness would not be tolerated.

The clock ticked on until there were three minutes left, but just when I thought I was in the clear,Brianstrolled through the front door.

“Man, I’m so glad I caught you. I was worried you’d be closed.” He gave me a sincere smile and walked right up to where I was standing behind the checkout counter. “Did you get my texts?”

Brian Davis was the owner and head barista at The Busy Bean, Briar Glenn’s only coffee shop. He was also the epitome of conventional attractiveness. Perfectly straight teeth, piercing blue eyes, and curly brown hair that had that effortlessly styled look. Folks flocked to the guy, but as hard as he tried,he just wasn’t my type.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath, forcing myself to maintain some sort of professionalism for what would likely be an uncomfortable conversation. “Hey, Brian. I got them. I just uh—” I raked my teeth over my lower lip, plagued with indecision over the best way to land the killing blow. “Listen, you’re a really nice guy, but I’m just not interested in pursuing anything serious right now.”

Or ever, for that matter.

“I see.” He shoved his hands in his coat pockets, nodding his head in understanding while those freaking puppy dog eyes of his stared into the empty depths of my soul.

“I’m sorry, Brian.” I let my shoulders sag for emphasis, forcing my resting bitch face to look as sympathetic as I could. “Truly, I am. I just don’t think we’re a good match.”

Not to mention the sex was terrible.

He nodded again, and I swore he looked like he was going to cry. “Message received. I’ll see you around.” He gave me one of those awkward two-finger waves, like something you’d expect from the rejected guy in a romance movie.

Before I could slip in another half-assed apology, he’d already turned and walked out the door.

“Shit,” I hissed under my breath. I crossed from behind the counter and glanced out the window, watching as Brian sulked down Main Street with his head hanging low.

Rejection was probably a new experience for him.

Poor guy.

I felt bad for him. I truly did—but this was for the best.

My phone vibrated.

I wrestled it out of the pocket of my too-tight mini-skirt to find that I had a text message.

Unknown: You better be on time, Spencer. Don’t make me wait.