It was her turn to pull back, and she did so flushed: her freckled cheeks were red, and her pink lips lightly swollen. “Val,” she said, like it was a curse.

“What?” Both of my hands were at her hips, one to each side.

I watched her turn redder still, like the fruit of one of the strawberry plants I’d just knocked over. “It’s just—you’re—”

“What?” I pressed, looming over her because I needed to know. Then I felt her wrap her hand around my shaft and growled without thinking.

Her eyes widened slightly at that, then she decided on answering, “Big.”

“Is...that a problem?” I asked, sincerely. “I’ve never done this before.”

I watched her quickly swallow. “I just haven’t had anyone in me in a while is all.”

“Since you gave birth?” I teased, and if I’d thought her red before, I was wrong.

She hit my shoulder with her free hand, then shook it like the action had hurt her. “When did you get all muscley?” she complained with a laugh.

“The same time when you got all curves,” I said in a low tone.

Shayla gave a soft gasp, then let go of me, which killed me for a moment—until I saw her reach for her voluminous skirts with both hands, to start wildly pulling them up.

“Just—” she asked, taking me in hand again once she’d done so.

“Anything,” I swore, readily stepping forward as she lined me up. I pulled her plush hips to the edge of the table and she wrapped her other arm around my neck, and together we both watched as I pushed in.

It was hard to see, honestly, her skirts were still in the way, but I could feel...everything. Her heat, her lubrication as it eased my path—I let go and let my body do what it wanted, sinking slowly into her, careful stroke after careful stroke until she quietly moaned.

Nothing I had ever done had ever felt so right. “Shayla,” I whispered, right before I took my fill and was buried inside her.

“Keep going,” she said, nodding quickly, before leaning back to give more of her hips over to me. “You feel good.”

“As do you,” I breathed, leaning forward to rock in and up.

I was rewarded with a groan. “Right there.”

I made sure to do exactly as I was told and heard her purr. Her thighs tightened, squeezing me closer, as I started to shift her with each of my thrusts. “Like that?” I asked her, watching the minute changes of her expression on her face: the way her cheeks pinked, her pupils widened, and her jaw dropped, along with the helplessly innocent look she was giving me, like I was showing her something she’d never seen.

“I love you,” I told her. If it was okay to tell her now, I wanted to say it again and again, while I proved it to her with my body.

She made a gentle sound at that. “More.”

“I love you,” I gladly repeated. “More than anything.”

She rocked back onto her elbows in the scattered dirt behind her, and I picked her thighs up without thought, hoisting them up and pushing her skirt back so I could finally see the beautiful, glistening entrance where she took me. She wriggled on the table, pulling her loose top down, like she might’ve were she to feed Frenel, but this time her breasts were just for me as she cradled them, pushing them together and presenting them. And at the thought of someday suckling them myself when she was done feeding her child—I bent over her, driving even deeper into her, roughly kissing their soft upper curves.

She moaned at that and started to ride me back, raising her hips up to meet me by squeezing the muscles in her ass. I hissed in satisfaction as our bodies started rocking in the same time. I imagined myself filling her, finding all of the spots inside her that made her want to move with me, rubbing all of her magical places at once, all at the same time.

She whimpered and her eyes flew open. “Val,” she panted. “How are you doing that?”

I realized the piece of me I’d run into her had changed, somehow, flowing with my desires—and hers. I couldn’t have pulled myself out of her now if I’d wanted to—not that I ever would.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Do you like it?”

She nodded quickly. “Yes. Very much.” She ran a hand down to her stomach to press against her belly, making it meet me harder inside. “Right—there—”

I felt myself curve inside her, hastening to obey, feeling the give of her soft walls as they stretched. “Val—Val—Val—” she said, as her breath caught.

I leaned over her with my whole body, a hand wrapped beneath her head, my hips mating with her of their own accord, all of my root swollen and hard, ready to bathe her in my seed. “I’m here,” I told her. “And you may never leave again.”