He picks up each item in turn: maps, GPS, goggles. “And you think these things will help?”

“Yes. At the very least, it will allow us to be methodical in our search. We can mark off areas on the map once we’ve looked, so we don’t spend time doubling back and hunting in the same places over and over.” I pull the vial Sabine gave me out of my pocket. “There’s also this: a magical locator charm. We can only use it once, so we need to save it for the direst circumstances.”

“A spell?”

“Yes. Trust me, it will work. I’ll show you how to use it when the time comes.”

He sets the supplies aside with a nod and takes my hands in his, a remarkably human gesture. “Thank you for this. Even if it doesn’t work, your willingness to help me means more than you know.”

He leans in, his full mouth landing on mine. I part my lips and he deepens the kiss, slowly lowering me down to the rug.

He pulls back slightly. “It’s too dark to keep searching. We’ll have to find another way to pass the time.”

I opt not to mention the night-vision goggles again. “Hmm, whatever will we do?”

He smiles against my lips, his big hands already sliding over my ribcage. “I have an idea or two.”

* * *


I plan to start the search early, but Oaklyn has other ideas.

“Can you let Rokahn and Lakana handle the search today? I promise to help you tomorrow, but there’s something I want to show you today. And it’s going to take a couple hours to get there.”

“Very curious, my wife. Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise, and it’s kind of far away. But I think it will be worth it.” She grabs one of the maps she brought and shows me the path we will be taking. She’s right; it will take two to three hours to reach.

“Eat something,” I tell her. “I will inform Rokahn of our plans and return soon.”

She nods and goes to the larder, while I hurry to Rokahn’s cabin. He agrees to handle today’s search, and I collect Oaklyn and set out to see whatever it is she wants to show me.

After a couple of hours of hiking up and down the slopes, we finally arrive at our destination. It’s a little stone cottage, complete with chimney and peaked roof. The whole house is surrounded by wildflowers and herbs.

“What is this place?” I ask.

“I call it the witch’s cottage,” Oaklyn says. “I found it once when I was hiking and fell in love. Yesterday, when I was in Haven’s Hollow, I talked to the realtor about it. Turns out, it’s been on the market for a few years. I put it an offer.”

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“It means that I want to live here with you, if you’ll consider it. I realize it’s not that super convenient for either of us—you have a long hike to your village, and I have an hour’s drive into town. But it could be a good compromise. We can stay together, but maintain our lives. You could keep your cabin in the village for nights you need to stay there. And I can keep my job and my friends. Maybe spend the occasional night in town when you’re busy. Bradoc, I think we could make a life here.”

“You want me to leave the village?”

She shrugs helplessly. “I don’t know how else to make it work. You said yourself, you could never live with humans. And while I could live with trolls, that’s not the right life for me. I want to be more than just someone’s wife. If we move here, in between our homes, maybe we can make it work.”

“There’s no way you will live in the village with me?”

“Not permanently. I mean, sure, I’ll spend time there, especially if you keep your cabin. Don’t get me wrong, we will have a life with your tribe. I just don’t want it to be theentiretyof my life. Please, Bradoc. At least give it a try.”

“When will you know if this place is yours?”

“Fairly soon, I think. Laia said she’d put the offer in today. If the owner accepts, it shouldn’t take more than a month to close the deal.”

I nod, thinking. I have never considered something like this. Never dreamed I would leave the village. But the relief I felt when I found Oaklyn in my cabin last night cannot be understated. I truly thought that she would leave forever, once I gave her the opportunity. The fact that she came back, that she’s willing to alter her life to be with me…how could I do less?

“All right,” I say. “I am willing to try. To see if this can work.”