Materials thus acquired, I cross the street and head into the Silver Serpent. Chimes tinkle when I open the door, and I step into a cozy shop full of velvet, fringe, and sandalwood incense.

The owner is working today; she’s friends with Adria, by virtue of them owning neighboring businesses, so I know her fairly well.

Sabine Merlot is one of the most striking women I’ve ever laid eyes on. With her warm brown skin, shocking blue eyes, and mass of white waves, she looks like the ruler of a fairy bower.

Add to it just the slightest trace of an accent and an eye for avant-garde fashion that would make most women look ridiculous, it completely makes sense that she runs the town’s metaphysical store.

Most of her wares are for tourists: tarot cards, healing crystals, pentagram earrings. But for those in the know, she also deals in the occasional handy cantrip and spell.

“Oaklyn!” she greets warmly. “How are you,cher?”

“Eh, I’ve been better. I really need your help.”

Sabine nods, her expression going serious. “What can I do?”

“I need magic.”

She pauses, just for a second, as if uncertain how to proceed. I plow on. “Look, I know a lot of this is just fun for visitors. But you and I both know that magic is real, and I suspect, like me, you might not be entirely human. Well, there are some other non-humans in the mountains who need our help.”

She raises her brows but doesn’t interrupt. When I finish, she gives a slow nod. “Spells are finicky. Tell me everything, so we can get you the right thing,oui?”

I let out a breath in relief. I thought she might fight me a little harder on the whole thing, and I’m eternally grateful she didn’t. I give her the whole crazy story, and to her credit, she listens intently, nodding along. When I’m done, she rubs her hands together briskly.

“Yes, let’s see. You need a locator charm. I have just the thing in the back. Come with me.”

By the time I step back on the sidewalk, a renewed sense of purpose has settled over me. I’m going to help Bradoc and his people, but that’s not all. I’ve made my choice, and now it’s time to act.

With a grin I can’t suppress, I hurry down the street. I have two more stops to make.

* * *


Adria is home when I get back, and I’m relieved that I’m already all cleaned up. If I walked in looking like something a wild beast dragged in, she would have so many questions. After all, there’s a reason she owns a bookstore: she’s naturally curious and adores a good story.

“You’re back!” she says when I walk in. “I was worried about you up there in all that weather.”

I grin and plop on the couch. “It was really something, not gonna lie. And you won’t believe this, but I’m heading back out tomorrow.”

She arches a black eyebrow at me. “Already? What did you find up there?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, infusing my voice with as much innocence as I can muster, not that that kind of thingeverworks on her.

“I think you know exactly what I mean. No way would you come all the way home, just to turn around and go back up that mountain, unless you found something interesting. Somethingcryptic.”

Dammit, she knows me too well. Sure, I could lie to her, but I already told Sabine what was up. If Sabine mentions any of it to Adria, I’ll be busted. “Okay, yes, I found something, but it’s full-on bonkers. You aren’t going to believe me.”

“Try me,” she says. “I might be more receptive than you think.”

“Well, first things first, then,” I say. “What do you know about dryads?”

It takes a long time to tell her everything, especially because she stops me partway to get us each a glass of pinot noir. According to Adria, it’s a tale that requires fortification. Once I’m completely done, she leans back in her chair, her dark eyes large and luminous.

“Okay, wow. So not only did you find trolls, you married one. And you’re descended from forest nymphs. That’s a lot to take in.”

“I know it sounds absolutely crazy. But I swear it’s true.”

She raises her glass at me. “Sweetie, I believe you. Especially about the tree nymph thing. Lots of folks around here are like…97% human. It’s not so strange that you’re one of them.”