A clap of thunder rolls overhead, loud enough that the lightning must be close.

“What about your family?” she asks, her voice turning drowsy. “Your parents?”

“I lost them when I was ten seasons, during a raid. My father was killed trying to protect us, and my mother was taken. I never saw her again. The rest of the tribe helped care for me and the other children who were left, but I chose to fend for myself. This is how I gained the skills to become alpha.”

“What about brothers and sisters?”

“No,” I say. “Breeding is challenging for trolls. Having multiple children is uncommon. Not unheard of, but it doesn’t happen for most couples.”

“That’s so sad. So lonely.”

“In some ways,” I say. “Yes, I missed my parents, but the tribe is my family. I was never alone. And now I have you to share my life with.” I work my way down her arm to her hand, which is clenched in a fist. “Relax,” I order, unfolding her fingers and kneading her palm. I can feel her melt beneath my touch, fully giving way to the massage.

“That feels incredible,” she mumbles.

I smile to myself and keep going, working on the other arm and hand. “You have a hard time loosening up,” I note.

“Mmm,” she says, her body going even softer under my touch. “It’s true. I’m kind of a tense person. I like to keep busy, but I also get stressed easily. I’m not great at self-care.”

“Well, that’s no longer a problem. Now that we’re married, I’ll be certain to take care of you. Forever.”

* * *


As wedding nights go, this one is okay so far. The stew was surprisingly tasty, full of beans and vegetables, kind of like the troll version of minestrone.

And honestly, I think Bradoc should consider a career change. He might be a great hunter, but he’s an even better masseur. He’s finding kinks and knots I didn’t even know were there.

And speaking of kinks, it turns out I definitely have a thing for big dudes with horns and scars. The massage started out as relaxing, but the longer it goes, the more aroused I’m getting. Those big, hard palms all over me, rubbing away tension?

Hot as fuck.

Now I’m as turned on as I’ve ever been, squirming underneath his touch as wetness builds between my legs, without even the benefit of undies to hide it.

I think it’s safe to say the word “troll” has negative connotations. It either conjures up internet assholes or storybook monsters: giant, bumbling, club-wielding idiots.

Never have I heard the word troll and thought things like: hot, sexy, protector. Never have I wanted a troll to rip off my clothes and take me hard.

Until now.

I’m pretty much ready to consummate the hell out of this marriage, consequences be damned. I’ll look into troll divorce rituals in the morning.

The rain is falling hard now, beating down on the cabin’s roof, but it’s like we’re in a fireside bubble, cozy and comfortable and safe from the elements.

I roll over and sit up, meeting Bradoc’s gaze. With tentative fingers, I reach out and cup his cheek. His skin is softer than I imagined, though the texture is a bit different than human skin. Thicker, tougher.

He raises his eyebrows, seemingly startled by my touch, which makes me smile. With a deep breath, I lean forward and touch my lips lightly to his, just grazing his mouth. His lips are warm and soft. Inviting.

I move closer and increase the pressure, fascinated by his contradictions. The toughened scars, the taut muscle, the supple mouth.

He makes a sound low in his throat, a cross between a groan and a growl. The noise pings directly between my legs.

One rough palm comes up to cup my neck, pressing my mouth even harder to his. My lips part of their own accord, and he takes it as an invitation, his tongue invading my mouth and tangling with mine.

His other hand slides around my rib cage and cups my breast, his finger and thumb pinching my nipple through the rough fabric of my wedding dress. I moan, leaning into the touch, which sends a throbbing ache all through my core.

My head tips back as the pleasure swamps me, and Bradoc takes advantage, nuzzling at my neck. The small tusks in his lower jaw scrape against my tender skin deliciously, and then his mouth finds that sensitive spot where my neck meets my shoulder.