I watchedas Burke carried Spencer into the sitting room and placed her lifeless body on the settee.

“Did you have to use your venom?” I asked with an edge of irritation in my voice.

If he got the dosage wrong, she could be asleep for hours.

Hells, he could even kill her.

But from the slow beat of her heart, I could tell that wasn’t the case.

Burke shrugged and blinked all eight of his eyes, doing his best to garner my sympathy. “You know how much she likes it. She says it's the best rest she gets.”

I rolled my eyes.

He was so far gone for her it wasn’t even funny.

Yes, Spencer enjoyed alotof things, but that didn’t make it okay to break rules—to be late for previously agreed-upon appointments.

“She’ll have the bite marks for weeks.” I sat down next to Spencer’s body, admiring her face as I tucked a few perfect strands of black hair behind her ear. “But the real question is, do we set her free or do we leave her tied up and make her beg to get out?” I flashed him a mischievous smile and my feathery antennae swept back and forth above my head playfully.

“Well—” he started to say, but was interrupted by a deep groan from Spencer.

I looked down to find that the color had returned to her face and that her eyes fluttered back and forth behind closed lids.

Burke moved closer, leaning in to get a better look at her. “Little moth,” he whispered, his thin lips pulling back to reveal a sharp-toothed grin. “Little moth, nap time is over. It’s time to play.”

Time to play.

The very thought made my pussy throb.

“Spencer. Wake up. You’ve been a very naughty girl,” I snapped. “When we make arrangements, I expect you to show up on time. Good girls show up on time, good girls get rewarded.” I leaned over to whisper in her ear. “And I like it when my girls are good.”

She opened her blue-green eyes and blinked them a few times. “I’m sorry, Madam. It—it won’t happen again. That idiot Brian caught me right as I was about to leave.”

“Fucking Brian,” Burke hissed.

“If he continues to give you trouble, we might just need to pay him a visit.” I gazed up at Burke. “Right, pet? No one else plays with our toys.”

He nodded in agreement and stroked Spencer’s hair.

“No, that’s not nec—” she started, but I brought a thin finger up to her lips to silence her.

“Shh. Quiet,” I purred. “That’s enough talk about boring Brian. Now…” I trailed my finger over the fibers that kept her restrained. “Beg Burke to release you, my disobedient little moth.”

Spencer focused on Burke, putting in overtime and pouting her full lips. “Please release me, Burke. I promise I’ll be a good girl.”

It was doubtful.

But that was part of the fun.

“May I, Madam?” Burke asked.

I could tell he was chomping at the bit to have his way with her, and for now, I’d let him have some control.

“Yes, pet. Go ahead and cut her free.”

I picked at my nails, feigning disinterest as Burke used the sharp tip of his claw to cut through the web.

“Thank you, Burke,” Spencer said as she wriggled free.