Brody surged forward, reaching for the edge of the crack, but I dragged him back, pulled him to the ground where we could kneel in comfort; this could take some time.

“It’s important that they make their own way out,” I said. “The shell provides their first nutrient. Just be here with me. Watch.”

He settled beside me, though threads of tension radiated from him. Our bond hadn’t dampened at all since we had broken the geas; in fact, every day seemed to make it stronger. I could practically read his thoughts, so I gripped his hand tighter.

“It will be okay. They are strong.” I pointed to the other eggs, the cracks that had now appeared in them.

Three little harpy girls of our own, a new future, one brighter and kinder than my past.

About the Author

Nova is a lover of pizza, coffee, and zombies (in no particular order). She was raised on a healthy diet of fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and despite many attempts by various English teachers, has refused to budge on her position that these are the best genres ever. When she's not busy raising her wonderfully creepy children, or dreaming of the day she'll have an army of ninja kittens, she is writing, reading, or playing games.

She writes a whole range of subgenres, but for now her one true love is MONSTERS. She always enjoys a bit of darkness in her tales, as well as a chuckle here and there, so you can expect all of her books to be some combination of magical, spooky, sexy, and fun.






Scotland was meant to be an escape from my grief—instead I ran straight into the clutches of the Fae that craved me to my very marrow.

My parents wove tales of the tooth fairy when they put my teeth under my pillow as a child.

As an adult, I returned to my mother’s homeland to mourn their deaths. Instead, I was lured by wisps into the forest only to encounter the reality of their stories.

The Bone Faerie. Morel was as cruel as he was intriguing, destroying any fae that dared covet any of my precious bones. He collected every piece of me that was placed under my pillow.

Now that he had all of me, would he ever let me go again?

Courtesy Warning:

This book may contain triggers for some. Triggers may include but are not limited to talks of past violence, light dub con, dark themes, references to murder, themes that may be disturbing to some readers.

Some things remainin your mind forever. Breaking your first bone. Your first disappointment when a promise is made and not kept. Losing your first best friend because at that tender age, you both truly didn’t understand what friendship really meant.

Cass and I have known each other since we were born. We lived in a small neighborhood and went to the same school.

We were diaper buddies. Inseparable. Until my mother got sick.

Suddenly I was ‘that sick lady’s kid’ and was shunned by everyone around me at school as if I was infectious. Those who used to sit beside me at lunch suddenly had other groups they needed to hang out with.

When my mother passed away from cancer, my world turned upside down.

If watching her slowly wither away wasn’t enough, my nights were haunted by the dark circles under her eyes and her hair left in the sink.

I couldn’t connect with anyone my age. No one was going through what I did. How could I explain to them that waking up with a living corpse was my everyday life? Because that was exactly what it felt like.

Don’t get me wrong. I loved my motherdearly. I loved her with everything I had. But I didn’t deserve to go through all that at such a sensitive age when I was still trying to understand life and how it worked.

Things like that scarred you. Things like that affected who you became later.

At thirty-one, some days I still felt like that little girl who lost her first tooth at seven.