Page 75 of Love After Darkness

“I’m not sure, but the channels must not have been secure enough.”

“Well, that’sshit, considering how far out on a limb I went to make sure you weren't implicated in the scene and the three dead bodies we had to cart to the morgue. Thank god Jasleen was there. But we could get in serious trouble for this and sabotage any hint of a promotion in my future.”

Devan groans. “I get it, I do, and I really appreciate everything you’ve been doing. I’m grateful.”

“Express your gratitude in the form of gifts and written recommendations once we eradicate this pest. Okay?” Naomi presses. “Otherwise, stop looking at me like I’m about to fuck you over. I’m good at my job. I know what I’m doing even if this is a tight mess.”

“I know you are.”

“You’re good at your job, too,” she replies, her tone taking on an edge.

“So you’re questioning Aria in this?” Devan asks.

“We wouldn’t even be this far if it weren’t for her, so no. I’m not. I’m just saying Broderick is a fuck, and he might have other channels in place that she’s not even aware of, channels to monitor anytime someone even pokes at the system she’s put together.”

“Have you found anything?”

“Nothing.” That’s from Adam. “I’m sorry, buddy. I’ll keep looking.”

I keep my eyes closed and my breathing even while I pretend to sleep.

“The firewalls are too strong, and someone is going behind and erasing their online footprint, so there is nothing to follow,” Adam continues. “I’m as careful as I can be, but there is always a chance we’re being watched even now. This has got to be part of the reason we haven’t caught Broderick Stevens yet. He’s got too many people around him, protecting him.”

“Look…” Devan trails off. “As much as I want to continue this conversation, I’m fucking beat, and right now, it feels like we’re going around in circles. I can’t think straight.”

“Lay down,” Naomi bids. “I’ve got to go into the precinct to file my report on the scene anyway. Relax and let me handle this. At least for the next few hours. Okay?”

Silence, and then, “Thank you.”

“Yeah, I can stand to hear it a little more, I’ll be totally honest with you,” Naomi says. “And tomorrow, you can greet me with a cup of coffee. Bill has the good stuff down here.”

The two of them slap palm to palm from the sounds of it, and a few beats later, a weight drops next to me on the couch. Devan’s arm slings around my shoulders.

“We’re going to make the bastard pay. Aren’t we, baby?” he asks, clearly speaking to me. Which means my ruse is up. He knows I’m awake.

“Absolutely,” I agree without hesitation and with crystal clarity.

He chuckles. “How much did you hear?”

“Do you want me to lie, or do you want the truth?” Without questioning, I nuzzle close to him, tucking close enough to rest my head against his heart and absorb a little bit of his warmth. Taking it into myself.

“The truth, always. No matter how hard it is to digest.”

“Then all of it,” I answer simply. “You like your partner.”

Devan groans, scrubbing his chin with his free hand. “Never tell her. We haven’t been working together long enough for me to regard her with any kind of affection. Not to mention, she is worlds apart from my last partner.”

“Yeah, Layla.”

The sound of her name sends another shockwave through him, and he shivers.

“It’s okay to have friends, you know,” I continue. “It’s even okay to like your partner. I’d think it helps you get along and work your cases better.”

“We’ll call it respect,” he eventually concedes. “She’s proven her skills time and again, no matter how annoying certain parts of her personality can be. I’ve kept her at arm’s length for a long time.”

“Sure, we’ll call it whatever you want. It doesn’t negate the truth. She’s not like your old partner, so you have a hard time getting close to her in any capacity. You don’t want to because it’s a risk.”

“Stop it.” Except he doesn’t sound annoyed at my prodding, only tired. “You know about her.”