Page 44 of Love After Darkness

“Sit.” He snaps his fingers and points to the end of the bed, and I dutifully take a seat, the area between my legs going wet on instinct. Too many years of this, of being told what to do and where to do it. My body knows what to expect.

“What kind of thought did you have, Sir?”

“A way to expand our business and leave too much space between the Syndicate and our competitors,” he starts.

“You know, I’ve actually been thinking of ways to expand as well. I’ve got a notebook I started at my desk.” I swallow over the lump in my throat. “I forgot to bring it.”

Broderick tuts and turns to me with his hands holding the edges of the towel closed. “We’ll get to your ideas later. Right now, I’ve got something I’d like to implement, and it’s not going to take us long to get it done. I need you, Aria.”

I smile, although the edges are strained. “What is it, Sir?” There are so many ideas inside of me, ways to expand and make the Syndicate as big as any other in the area. Not the city, because the city belongs to Broderick, but the East Coast could be ours. The internet is the future, and if I had a way to protect the people beneath me, if I could utilize them and bring more to our side, then the Syndicate would be unstoppable.

But how can I bring in new bodies if I can’t guarantee their safety?

Broderick wastes no time approaching me, and although he’s smiling back, there is nothing warm about the gesture. “There is an overabundance of bodies on the streets here, those without the resources to contribute to us or society.”

I nod along with his words.

“The best thing for everyone is to get them off the street.”

“You’re talking about the homeless?” I question.

“I’m talking about teens. The aimless wanderers who are ours to mold. I’ve found a way to take care of multiple problems at the same time, Aria.”

The lump inside my torso grows larger, harder, and unbearable.

“You were once among them. You ran away from home at twelve after your mother’s friends decided to turn your way, and you made your money the only way you knew how.”

I shiver at the memory, at his tongue and the way it slivers underneath my skin.

“If it hadn’t been for me, then you would have been among the masses as well. A scourge on the city and a drain on resources. I turned it around for you.”

“And I owe you everything,” I agree without hesitation. “You know that.”

“Which is why I know you are the only one who can help me now. I have several buyers standing by.”

“What do you mean, buyers?”

“I mean, there are channels I’ve been exploring to help us eradicate the homeless teens on the street. A win-win situation for everyone involved.”

My lips go numb, my throat closing. No. No. There’s no way he’s…he’s talking about…

“Human trafficking.”

The words are barely a whisper, but Broderick catches them, and his smile grows. Heats.

“Exactly,” he confirms. “Our buyers in Saudi Arabia and Thailand are prepared to take the problem off of our hands. It will give Empire Bay a fresh start and the Syndicate enough money to—”

“To what?” I know better than to interrupt. So much better because I’ve learned my lessons the hard way. Except I do, and I can’t hold it back anymore. “Why do you need more money?” I force my grin to stay in place. “If you would just listen to me, then I’m sure we can talk about several of the ideas I have in place. We don’t need to target the teens.”

Anything but that. Anything but human trafficking. He knows exactly what happened to me, where I used to be. This has to be a joke.

“Aria.” My name is a warning, his eyes going steely. “I’ve already started implementing this. Our buyers are waiting, and stock has gone overseas in the last month.”

“Stock? You’re out of your mind! How could you do this to me?” I know better than to make this personal but fuck, it is. It’s so personal I can barely breathe right now, and my skin is crawling.

There are insects inside me, in my blood, and they are eating me.

“How could you?” I continue. “You know they’re vulnerable.” I wrap my arms around myself.