Page 32 of Love After Darkness

I saw her at the crime scene yesterday, sensed how unnerved she was by the body. I hear the tremble in her voice now. The protective instincts I thought were gone start to kick in, and I have to physically root myself and bite my tongue to prevent myself from moving or saying something silly, like assuring her everything will be okay.

The smart thing to do would be to throw all their asses out. To tell them I’m not working on anything and isolate.

But Naomi talked to Ashcroft about me. They’re worried about me offing myself or dying alone to the point that no one finds me.

When did I get to this point?

Why had I let myself, and when had I lost even the meager ability I used to have to make friends?

In the academy, I’d done well enough. With Layla, I’d done well enough. I had a life and a fiancée, and I went to meet a few people for coffee once a week.


Bill kicks the door closed, and he’s got five large pies in his hands. “Who’s hungry?”

I sigh, shaking my head and lifting a hand in the air. My microwave burrito is thawed in the bag and halfway forgotten. “Avengers, assemble.”



I squirm in my seat,wiggling like an excited kid told to sit still who physically cannot. This is it. This is what I’ve worked for all these years, what I’ve been hyperfocused on.


The Black Market Syndicate is going to bemine. Well, when Broderick decides to step down. Which probably won’t be for a while, but just to know I’ll be next in line to inherit it, to be assured of the control brought by the position…

It means everything to me.

I’ll know I’ve made it, then. That all of my time on the streets and on my back has actually meant something because I’ll be powerful in a way no one can underestimate or take from me.

Never again.

No one is ever going to have power over me unless I will it, and after everything, I seriously doubt I’ll ever be willing to bend.

I smile at Broderick, unsurprised when he scowls back at me. He’s scowling at everyone and waiting until the room is quiet enough to hear our hearts beating before he makes any kind of announcement.

Yes, this man rescued me. He’s been my mentor, my protector, and my lover despite the age difference. He’s groomed me into what I am today. And his subtle gestures, even subtler looks, tell me to bite my tongue until he’s through.

Ten years.

Ten years brought me to this point. Hopefully, I’ve made him proud.

Broderick studies his nails. “Dougherty, you’ve displeased me. Your handling of the last hit was sloppy at best and endangers us at worst. One forgotten lighter is a mistake and tolerated only because of your reputation. Two is ludicrous and stupid.”

Today, to add insult to injury, the man in question is wearing suspenders over a white shirt. What is this, band camp? He flinches, pulling a face there and gone in a blink before Broderick sees.

“You’ve gone as far as you can go, and we are grateful for what you’ve done for us thus far. Antoni? Take care of things.”

The ax comes swiftly down, judgment passed, and I settle slightly as Antoni rises and brushes the front of his suit like he’s about to get down to work. “My pleasure,” he says with a sneer.

Dougherty shakes his head, smart enough not to make a run for the door. “No, come on! Mr. Stevens, please. I messed up. I get it. I’ll do better next time. I’ll never forget to leave the lighters on our marks.”

Broderick stares straight ahead, dead-eyed as a shark. “There isn’t going to be a next time for you, you rat fuck. You’re done.”

Right there in the conference room, in front of everyone, Antoni draws his gun out and fires three shots, two in the chest and one clean through the eyes. Dougherty drops, blood seeping into the floor immediately, and his face tilted toward the ceiling, empty.

Antoni doesn’t need to be told what to do. He snaps his finger, and several of the guards from the door move into position, two dragging the corpse out of the room and another bringing in cleaning supplies.