Page 28 of Love After Darkness

My stomach flips, not unpleasantly, and a smile splits my face. “Ha!” My cackle of surprise is louder than a gunshot going off in this place, and Blake jolts in his chair, glaring at me.

“What is your problem, Aria?” His mouth forms the words I can’t hear.

How in the world…is EnemySquare Detective Bishop?

It’s another twist of fate, a cosmic joke. I’ve always thought the universe has a truly sick sense of humor.

Plus, come on. He’s not eventryingto be careful. If he’s going to dabble in the dark web, then he at least needs to use a VPN or something. This is ridiculous.


The poor man has no idea what he’s doing, which is shocking considering how long he’s been on the force. At this point, he’s either dense—highly unlikely—or he’s deliberately taking risks and going places he has no business going.

On the other hand, his obvious naivete aside, this might be something I can use. I’m back to tapping on my knee.

Getting closer to him as Darkling makes sense, not only for a purely information exchange standpoint but future leverage.

I’ll be able to hold this over his head for a long time.

And honestly, how could he not know he was talking to me? He already knows I’m a hacker, and the username is pretty on the nose. Not one of my finest moments, but hey, a girl sometimes likes a little on-the-nose humor sometimes.

The alarm goes off, vibrating against my hand and sending a cheerful little melody through my earbuds.

“Okay, I’m ready.” I tear the earbuds out and toss them into the drawer with the rest of the wrappers.

“Your clothes leave little to be desired, Aria.” Blake gives a sniff, whether in disgust or disappointment, I'm not sure. “You're positive you want to go in there like this? Maybe you should change into something a little more suitable.”

There is literally nothing wrong with my outfit except for a few wrinkles on my pencil skirt. The heels are high, the black strap going around the ankle, and my shirt is embellished with a line of pearl buttons down the front.

The hair, well, I’ve never been able to do anything with it.

“I don’t really have a choice,” I say.

I’ve got deodorant in my desk as well as a small bottle of perfume, and I use both. Not too liberally, or Broderick will be upset.

“Is my hair decent?” I shake it out in front of Blake. “How are my teeth?”

I haven’t eaten anything, so it's not like there’s something stuck between my canines.

Blake doesn’t look up from his computer as he replies, “You’re going to have to be fine, Aria. You wasted all your time playing around online instead of preparing yourself.” He snorts as if to saytypical.

“I’m going to be fine.” I close the lid on my laptop and head out the door with my shoulders thrown back.

There’s more to life than wearing skirts and putting on a fresh coat of lipstick.

This time, on the floor above, Broderick and I are alone in the boardroom for only a scant thirty seconds before Antoni joins us, and the rest of the higher-ups take their seats moments later. Broderick flashes me a warning look to move to my usual corner before he addresses the others.

“It’s come to my attention that there are certain parties amidst the organizations who will benefit from promotions and others who will be forced to get on their knees,” he says. “It’s prudent to make a few adjustments down the ladder as well. Today, we’re here to sort out a few housekeeping issues before we pick up the thread from yesterday’s meeting.”

The venom in his voice has Dougherty flinching.


Just as the hitman waits for news of the ax, I wait as well. Patiently, the way I have for years. Ready to go from the right-hand woman…to a single step below the leader. Until, at last, the top spot will be mine.

