Page 109 of Love After Darkness

Two more lies.

Well, the second part won't be a lie. He’ll enjoy the night, surely, if I agree to leave with him.

I stare him down, expression neutral, even though I’m on high alert. Hyper-vigilant and doing my best to keep my hand from itching toward the dagger stashed on my person.

The champagne he offers would no doubt be stale, though, if he even has a bottle stashed away in whatever place he’s planning to take me. Plus, his micropenis barely shows an outline from where we sit on the barstool at my uncle’s club. He’s got it on full display, regardless.

Who gave this guy an invitation to the Vanguard? Who let him through the door?

My nerves are fucking shot and too raw for me to be bored or amused by the way he’s attempting to pick me up. If anything, I’ve shot straight past bored and amused into disgruntled and a little apprehensive.

Manners keep me from outright looking around the room for any reason to excuse myself.

But no.

Word hasn’t come in that the shipment has arrived. Without confirmation, I’m not allowed to leave and go home. I have to physically put eyes on the drugs for my father before the evening comes to an end.

I force a smile for the man in front of me and gain a little bit of distance by lifting my martini glass to my face and taking a long sip.

Waiting for the delivery means sitting at the bar and listening to these men with their stories, men who want to hit on me while I pretend I’m here to enjoy the atmosphere.

A yawn burns the back of my throat.

“I’ve seen yachts, and I’ve had good champagne,” I tell the leech, keeping my smile pinned in place. “I’ll pass. It’s a no from me.”

He presses closer yet before taking a chance, reaching out and twining one of my purposely loose curls around his fingers.

“Come on, Mia,” he coos. And suddenly, we’re on a first-name basis. Because he heard the bartender call me that.

Note to self: staff meeting.

“Say yes. Let’s play. You’ll have fun.”

One more move, one finger where it doesn’t belong, and I’ll take the cool steel strapped to my inner thigh, and I’ll show him how deadly serious I am when I say no.

“I’m not going home with you.” I show him teeth. “End of discussion.”

I raise a perfectly manicured hand to let the bartender know I'm ready for my second martini. If I have to be here, then I’m sure as hell going to enjoy another drink while I wait. It all goes on Uncle Henry’s tab anyway.

Rather, he wipes my own tab clean at the end of the night.

Nothing like family.

Where the hell is the shipment?

How much time do I have to waste before my father is satisfied?

Like you have anything better to do?

The small, cruel voice in my head is still my own, and it’s right.

“Who said anything about going home?” the man says. His fingers twitch, switching from my leg to trace my bare arm. “We’re going to my yacht. Have you ever fucked on open water? It’s fantastic.”

Okay, I’ve had enough.

Lifting my leg, his attention drops to the creamy length of thigh showing from the slit in my black dress. He’s distracted enough that I can reach for the holster and slide the blade free, bringing the tip to his balls in his next breath without him noticing.

The dots have not connected for him yet.