My voice trembled as I told her, “I sent those letters to Malcomb, so I thought you knew. I thought your silence meant you didn’t want to be a part of Dalton’s life.”
“How could you think that?” Cass asked, sounding truly offended. “We loved you.”
“I don’t know. I was in a bad, vulnerable place.” My chest ached as I told her, “Malcomb wouldn’t answer my calls or see me, and that hurt more than you can imagine. It broke my heart to think that he didn’t want me and to think he didn’t want Dalton hurt even more. It made me question everything I’d ever known, and it was just easier to believe that you didn’t want me around, either. I see now just how wrong I was.”
“Oh, honey. I can’t imagine how hard all of this was on you.”
“It wasn’t easy, but I had Dalton to help me through it.”
Cass reached over and placed her hand on mine. "He's amazing, Londyn. You've done an incredible job with him."
"Thank you.” I felt myself blush at the compliment. “He’s my whole world.”
“I remember that feeling.” She glanced over at Dalton as she asked, “So, what now?”
“Malcomb and I are still figuring that out, but I’m thinking I’ll be moving back here in the next couple of weeks—if not sooner.”
“Really?” A big smile swept across her face. “So, things are going good between you two?”
“Yeah, you could say that.”
“That’s wonderful. I’m so glad things are working out.”
“Me, too.”
“I bet your parents are excited about you and Dalton being closer.”
“Mom seems pleased, but I have no idea what my father thinks.”
“Why not?”
“I’m still furious with him.” I leaned back in my seat and sighed. “I just can’t believe that he would do that to me. I mean, it was one thing to say all those things to Malcomb. That was so messed up and wrong, but to make matters worse, he kept it all a secret--even when he could see how devastated I was. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Well, my mother doesn’t see it that way. I can’t talk to her without her pleading with me to forgive him, and I’m not ready for that. And I’m not sure I ever will be.”
“You will.” Cass smiled as she told me, “He’s your father. I know it was wrong, but he did what he did because he loves you and wants the best for you.”
“Well, it was selfish and wrong. He stole five years from us, and that’s time we will never get back.”
“I’m not very pleased about that either. In fact, I’m just as mad as you are.” She reached over and placed her hand on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “But in the end, being angry with him is going to hurt you just as much as it hurts him.”
“Forgive him or not, it’s going to hurt no matter what I do.” I forced a smile as I told her, “But enough about all that. How are things with you and Malcomb’s sisters?”
“Busy as always.” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Susana and Darby are officially done with school and are now working in the city. They don’t come home as much as they used to, but I go see them when I can, especially when the house starts to feel too quiet.”
“I’m glad they live close enough for you to go visit.”
“Me, too.” A bright smile crossed her face as she said, “I’m glad you and Dalton are going to move closer, too. I hope that means I’ll get to spend some time with you, too.”
“I would love that.”
Little by little, I was getting my family back.
It was what I always wanted.
I should’ve been ecstatic, but I was far from it. Maybe it was the guy who ran me off the road or the expression on Cotton’s face when he got that phone call, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong—very, very wrong.