Page 73 of Savage

“No, you need to stay here so you can be with her when she gets back. Keep her on the phone and help her stay calm.”

Without waiting for a response, he started for the door and said, “Rooster. Chains. Let’s go.”

He stormed out after Londyn, not as the ex-president of Fury, but as my father. I had no doubt that he would do everything in his power to bring her back. I brought the phone back up to my ear and asked, “Hey. How ya making it?”

“Okay.” Her voice trembled as she asked, “Do you know who this guy is or why he is following me?”

“I can’t say for sure, but it’s going to be okay. Dad and the boys are coming.”

“Dalton’s scared.”

“I know, baby, but everything’s gonna be okay. I just need you to focus on the road and try not to worry.”

“He’s backing off.”

“I bet he’s figured out that you’re heading back to us. How far are you from the Shell station?”

“I don’t know. A mile or so.”

“That’s good. You’re getting close... Dad will be there any minute.”

“I’m sorry about this.”

“Why in the hell would you be sorry?”

“Well, this isn’t the re-introduction I was hoping for. I would guess you feel the same.”

“No, but none of that matters. I just want you and Dalton back here safe.”

“I know, and... Oh, my God!”


Relief washed over me as she said, “Someone just wrecked into the guy who’s been following me. I mean, really wrecked. They plowed right into him, and now they’re over on the shoulder. Should I go and...”

“No, no. That’s Dad. Just keep driving to the clubhouse.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in a second.” I listened as she said, “It’s okay, sweetie. Everything’s okay. We’re going to see Malcomb now.”

I heard him reply, but I couldn’t make what he’d said. I didn’t bother asking. I knew it wouldn’t be long before she and Dalton were here, and I could see for myself that they were both okay. I rushed outside, and my heart swelled with relief as I watched Londyn’s car pull through the gate.

As soon as she was parked, I rushed over and opened her door. I helped her out, then wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. “Are you guys okay?”

“We’re okay.” She tucked her head against my chest as she hugged me back. “A little shaken up, but we’re okay.”

“I know, but you’re safe now. Let’s get you two inside and settle.”

“About that...” Her eyes skirted around the parking lot full of bikes. “Do we really have to stay or can...”

“I know this isn’t what you were planning, but I’m gonna need you to stay here until we figure out what’s going on with all this.”

“Why are you trying to figure it out? Isn’t that something the police should be doing?” her brows furrowed.

“You know how we feel about the cops.”

“But this is different!” she argued. “This guy tried to run me and Dalton off the road.”

“I get that, but you’re gonna have to trust that we’re gonna handle it.”