“Will do.”
I did as Maverick asked, and just as he’d promised, Rooster had gathered quite a hefty package for our disgruntled friends. I just hoped it would be enough to smooth things over and put an end to this thing with the Stingers once and for all.
Rooster and Torch carried the duffle bag over to Mason Hick’s place, where they met up with his son. He took the bag with the promise of getting it to his gang’s leader. And that was that.
Now we had to wait.
And that was something none of us were good at.
But we did it.
We waited for days, and there was nothing. No Camaros. No assholes asking questions. Nothing. I wanted to believe that we were done with the Stingers, but my gut told me otherwise. Men like these didn’t send out scouts for nothing, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Londyn and Dalton were coming to my place for the weekend, and while the timing wasn’t exactly the best, I was ready to see them both. But I wasn’t going to let my guard down, not when so much was at stake. The time had come for me to find out if I could find a balance between life at the club and life at home.
It wouldn’t be easy.
Hell, it was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever done.
But I’d do it.
For them, I would do anything.
“What do you think?”
“Today? Tonight? All of it.” Concern marked Malcomb’s face as he asked, “Did it go okay? Do you think Dalton had fun?”
“It couldn’t have gone better.” Malcomb had taken us down to the marina for several hours, and after, we went back to his place for dinner. “Dalton had such a great time fishing and seeing all the boats and then grilling burgers with you. It couldn’t have been more perfect.”
“So, you think he enjoyed it?”
“He loved it, Malcomb.All of it.” I reached over and placed the palm of my hand on his chest. “You did good.”
“I just want him to like me, you know?”
“Of course, he likes you, Malcomb. He thinks you’re some kind of hero.”
“Well, we both know that’s not the case.”
“I don’t know. You can be pretty heroic when you wanna be.” I smiled as I told him, “I can still remember those late nights when you would go help the brothers out and all those times when you were there for your mom and sisters when your dad couldn’t be.”
“That doesn’t make me a hero, babe.”
“Maybe not to you, but it does to me. And I bet your mother would say the same.”
“Have I mentioned that I’m glad you’re here?”
“A time or two.” I laid my head back on the pillow as I whispered, “But just so you know, I’m glad I’m here, too.”
“Does that mean you’ll stay?”
“Maybe... I’m still thinking about it. But before I make any final decisions, I have a question for you.”