She was warm and wet, and I ached to be inside her. Clearly feeling the same, she arched her back towards me and moaned while her legs wrapped around my hips to pull me forward.
“You ready for me?”
With her cheek flushed with desire, she gave me a slight nod, then gently shifted her hips, forcing me inside. And I froze. I had to. She felt too fucking good. I needed a second to get my act together before I fucked up and ended this thing before it got started.
I regained my focus, then worked myself in deeper until I’d given her every inch. Relishing the sensation, my tortured growl echoed through the room as I slowly withdrew. “Fuck, baby. You feel so damn good.”
A slight hiss slipped through her teeth as I drove into her again and again—each time a bit faster and unforgiving. Her heels dug into my back, and she moaned, “Better than I remembered.”
She was right.
It was better, and it was all because of her. I was consumed by her, every inch of me, and as I drove deeper inside her, I only yearned for more. I could feel her muscles contracting all around me as her second orgasm started to take hold. My body grew rigid as I struggled to hold back my own release, and it only became more difficult when she clamped down around me as her body writhed in pleasure. “Oh my God, Malcomb!Fuckkkk.”
I looked down at her sprawled out on the bed in an orgasmic daze and smiled. I’d missed seeing that blissful look on her face. I’d done my job and I’d done it well, but I was far from done. With her body still trembling, I lowered my hands to her hips and pulled out. She gasped when I rolled her over onto her knees.
Before she had time to react, I’d plunged inside her once again. Fuck. It just kept getting better. Unable to control myself, I slowly drew back and slammed into her again and again, giving her everything I had. Being with her felt so right like she was made just for me.
“Fuckkk!” I shouted out as my throbbing cock demanded its release too fucking soon. I continued to drive into her in a feverish rhythm until she finally twisted the sheets with her hands and let out a tortured groan.
Her body clamped down around me like a vice as my hips collided with her ass, and I was done. I recklessly drove once more, then finally came deep inside of her. I kept my hands planted on her hips until my breath steadied, then withdrew and did away with the condom. I dropped down on the bed next to her, and my heart was still pounding when Londyn curled up next to me.
We were lying there in the dark as she whispered, “Is this really happening, or am I in a really good dream?”
“Oh, it’s happening, babe, and if I have anything to say about it, it’ll be happening again real soon.”
“I wish you knew how much I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too. More than you’ll ever know.”
“It seems strange. It’s been so long, but being here with you feels so right, like I just stepped back into the place I was meant to be.”
“Because that’s exactly what we just did. I just wish it would’ve happened a hell of a lot sooner, but not much I can do about that now.”
“I’m really sorry. It shouldn’t have been this way.” Her voice trembled as she said, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive my father for saying what he said to you.”
The mere mention of her father had me wanting to go over to his place and kick his ass. And, if he had been anyone else, I would’ve done that and more. Hell, I’d kill a man for less, but in the end, he was Londyn’s dad and Dalton’s grandfather. Hurting him would only end up hurting them.
Like it or not, I would have to find a way to come to terms with my anger. “I’m not exactly happy with him myself, but he’s your father, Londyn. He loves you and at the time, he thought he was doing what was best for you.”
“Maybe at first, but all those months after....” She looked up at me with anguish in her eyes as she said, “You don’t know how distraught I was after the breakup. It took me months to be able to get through a day without breaking down into a crying, hysterical mess. And Dad knew that. He saw. He heard, and yet, he did nothing to rectify what he’d done. How can I forgive him for that?”
“I don’t know, babe.” I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “But holding onto that kind of anger is only going to make things harder for you.”
“Stop being nice about it, Malcomb. He took five years from us. I can’t just forgive and forget that.”
“Okay. What do you wanna do? Go burn his house down? I’ll bring the fucking matches.”
“No, but I might wanna yell at him and give him the cold shoulder for a while. Make him think about what he’s done.”
“And you think that’ll change anything?”
“No, but it’ll make me feel better.”
“Okay, babe.” I smiled. “You do whatever you gotta do. I’ve got your back.”
“You really think I’m wrong about being mad?”
“No, I never said that. Your dad did a shit thing to the both of us. I thought a lot of him and knew he wouldn’t say what he did unless he meant it.” I let out a breath, then added, “Him saying it is on him. My believing it and acting on it is on me. I should’ve trusted you. More than that, I should’ve trusted us, and I didn’t.”