Page 38 of Savage

“Something like that.” Malcomb turned his attention to me, then said, “I’m gonna head back inside. You two have a nice evening.”

“You too.”

When he turned to leave, Jackson called out to him, “It was nice to meet you, Malcomb.”

Malcomb didn’t respond.

He just kept walking and disappeared inside the reception hall. As soon as the door closed, I gave Jackson a light shove. “I can’t believe you came.”

“I felt bad about leaving my girl in the lurch.”

“I appreciate that, but your timing wasn’t the best.”

“I saw that.” A smirk crossed his face as he said, “So, that was Malcomb.”

“The one and only.”

“He’s a handsome guy. I can see why you were so hung up on the guy.”

“Yeah, I knew it was going to be hard to see him, but I had no idea it would be this hard.”

“I’m pretty sure he felt the same.” He chuckled as he said, “The poor guy looked like I’d kicked him in the balls when I called you sweetheart.”

“I imagine so.”

“Serves the guy right.”

“Actually, he’d brought me out here to tell me how sorry he was for everything.”

“Is that so?” He crossed his arms. “Well, I say we go in there and make him even more sorry.”


“Don’t Jackson me. This asshole has it coming.” He took me by the hand and tugged me up the steps. “By the time I’m done, he’ll regret ever letting you go. Just wait and see.”



There wasn’t enough booze in the world to distract me from the little show Londyn and her new boyfriend were putting on. I couldn’t seem to stop watching them as they drank and hung out with our old friends from high school. It was even harder watching them dance. Every twirl was like a twist of the knife, reminding me of what was no longer mine.

I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and rekindle what we once had, and the fact that some asshole was standing in my way consumed me with frustration. I was considering putting my foot in his ass when my father nudged me and said, “Looks like Londyn is having a good time.”

“Looks that way.”

“Who’s the new guy?”

“Fuck if I know,” I grumbled as I watched him twirl her around the dance floor. “She said his name was Jackson.”

“Looks nice enough.”

“He looks like a fucking douchebag.” I shook my head and muttered, “Doesn’t matter. I don’t wanna talk about it.”

He nodded, then gave me a fatherly pat and turned his attention back to my mother. I took another swig of my whiskey, hoping it would help ease the burning jealousy in my gut. It was crazy, especially since I was the one who’d broken it off with her, but in my mind, Londyn had always been mine. Seeing her wrapped up in the arms of another man had my blood boiling. I wanted nothing more than to go over there and punch the guy’s lights out. Unfortunately, I knew that wouldn't solve anything. If anything, it’d just make matters worse.

So, I decided I would just drown my sorrows.

I would drink until I forgot all about her and her little lap dog.