Page 37 of Savage

“Really? I always thought you two were good together.”

“Wereis the key word there.” I shrugged. “I think it’s safe to say that our time has come and gone.”

“I don’t know about that.”

Kinley’s eyes drifted up, signaling that he was walking towards us. My whole body tensed as I glanced over my shoulder, and just as I feared, he was right behind me. I managed to feign a smile as I said, “Hey, Malcomb.”

"Hey.” His eyes were locked on mine as he asked, “Can we talk?”

"Yeah... I guess," I stammered, trying to keep my voice steady as I motioned to the empty seat across the table. “You can sit.”

“No.” His eyes bored into mine as he replied, “In private.”

“Oh.” I glanced over at Kinley, then back to him. “Okay.”

I stood, then followed him through the crowd and out of the front door. He didn't say a word as we made our way over to the bottom of the steps. Malcolm finally stopped, turning to face me his tousled hair falling over those familiar, irresistible eyes. They were dark and intense, and they were fixed on mine.

I could feel the tension building inside me as I waited for him to speak. His eyes skirted seductively over me as he said, “You look good. Real good.”

“You look good, too.”

A cool breeze whipped around, carrying Malcomb’s scent, and the second it reached me, I was hit was a sense of Deja vu. I’d smelled this scent before, and not a long time ago. I’d smelled it recently. I just couldn’t place where it had been. My stance faltered as I was hit with a rush of conflicting emotions. I’d promised myself I wouldn't let him affect me this way anymore—especially after seeing him with someone. “Please tell me you didn’t bring me out here to tell me that.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Then, what are we doing here?”

“I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry,” he said, his voice low and rough. “I shouldn’t have ended things the way I did.”

“No reason to apologize now... It was a long time ago.”

“Yeah, and I think about it all the time.” He brushed a strand of hair from my face as he added, “I think about you all the time.”

He was standing right there in front of me, looking as handsome as I’d ever seen him, and he was saying exactly what I’d always wanted him to say. But for reasons I couldn’t understand, I was angered by the fact that he was just now saying them to me. I took a step back, trying to put some distance between us. “Why are you saying this now?”

“It’s what I’ve always wanted to say. I miss you, Londyn.” I could hear the sincerity in his voice as he said, “I’ll make it right if you just give me the chance.”

I shuddered involuntarily, my body betraying me. I silently cursed myself for still being so drawn to him and not being able to let go of what we once had. It was another painful reminder of the power he still held over me, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever truly be free from his spell. I cleared my throat, then told him, “But you’re with someone.”

“I haven’t been serious with anyone since you left. I’ve tried, but...”

His words suddenly trailed off, and his eyes grew wide just as a pair of hands slipped around my waist and pulled me back. I had no idea who had come up behind me until I heard Jackson say, “Hey, sweetheart. I’m sorry I’m late.”

“Jackson?” I whipped around. “What are you doing here?”

“I was able to get out of my meeting early, so I thought I’d come by and surprise you.”

“But how...”

“I went by your house, and Cici told me where to find you.”

Jackson had gone all out. He was wearing his best black suit with a royal blue tie, and he looked fabulous. I appreciated him coming, but his timing couldn’t have been worse. “You could’ve called and told me you were coming.”

“Yeah, but then, it wouldn’t have been a surprise.” Jackson turned to Malcomb and extended his hand as he said, “Hey, I’m Jackson.”

“So, I heard.” Malcomb shook his hand as he added, “I’m Malcomb.”

“Good to meet ya, Malcomb.” Jackson’s eyes knowingly skirted over to me, then back to Malcomb. “I believe I’ve heard Londyn mention your name... You guys went to high school together, right?”