“Drew! Was that a sexual pun?”

He nibbles along my hairline. “Maybe.”

His hand continues to stroke me, gently this time. The heat returns. He’s ready for more. So am I.

I run my hands across his bare chest, following the curve of the muscles and pressing my thumb into the ridges of his abs. “You must work out a lot.”

“I’m an early riser.”

I glance down at his jeans. “I think you’re rising now.” I reach down to unsnap the band. The hiss of the zipper sends a shudder through me. This has been worth waiting for.

He releases me to get them out of the way, his blue cotton boxers not really containing him. I am not content with only a peek, so I push them down.

Good lord. That’s about to go into me.

Chapter 30


Naked Ensley is everything I thought she would be.

All the facades are stripped away. She isn’t trying to be pure sunshine. She’s just herself.

And that’s pretty great.

Watching her orgasm was about the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. She wasn’t self-conscious or putting on a show. She gives herself over to the moment. Not everyone can do that. I’m not even sure I do.

Her gaze rests on my face as I stroke the length of her body. She’s gotten my boxers off, her hands on me, too. It’s the most intimate thing, especially during the day. There’s no darkness to hide in. Everything is laid bare.

I lean over to kiss her, softly this time. That first time was about setting the mood, learning her, figuring out what she needs.

Normally at this stage, I’d be rutting it out, getting it done.

But I’m in no hurry.

Our lips flutter together. I sense the difference. It’s more reverent than sex. It’s connection. I avoid that, but with Ensley, it feels inevitable. There’s too much history. And now I know how she’s always seen me. Safety. The older, stronger figure who can help her, rescue her, even.

I’m not sure I can live up to that. But this moment makes me want to try.

She wraps her arms around my neck in a position that has become second nature to us. I haven’t had any repeats, not in a decade, so it’s new to me how easy it can be to fall into someone completely.

I bury my face in her hair as it curls across my pillow, smelling of shampoo and sunshine. Beneath that is the scent of her. I feel as if I’ve always known it. Maybe I have. I first met her when we were young. She’s part of my history, my hometown.

And now we’re here.

“Condoms okay?” I ask her.

“Maybe this first time,” she says, then bites her lip. She doesn’t expect there to be another time. And normally she’d be right. But now that we’ve come this far, I see she was right all along. Adding three dates to our decades of knowing each other was a tipping point.

But she was also wrong. The point of her dare was the assumption that adding extra dates to the mix wouldn’t change who I am. I wouldn’t set aside my old priorities because of her.

But I am. I already feel it.

The future yawns wide. I picture Ensley working at my clinic, the stabilizing force as other employees come and go. We’re the power team, like so many couples who work together at many family businesses—doctors, accountants, restaurants.

I’m ready to make her mine in every way.

I don’t keep condoms in my bedside drawer. I don’t bring women here. “I’ll fetch them,” I tell her and head to the bathroom.