Do we? I glance over at Drew, but he’s concentrating on the rock and angles.

Now everyone is very interested in the skip.

“Give him a warm-up,” Brown Hat says.

“She doesn’t have to give him anything,” Turtleneck shoots back.

“I’m good,” Drew says. He swings his arms a few more times, like a golfer before hitting the ball.

“Good luck,” Brown Hat says.

“She’ll get naked either way,” Turtleneck says. “Look at him.”

She’s not wrong. Drew is the picture of manliness in his jeans, hiking boots, and black shirt. My chest tightens thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could finally be mine.

Drew’s eyes take in the smooth surface of the pond. The afternoon sun beams down on the clearing, leaving a sparkle across the water. “Here goes nothing.”

He flings the rock, and it hits the surface at a swift, low angle. It skips, and the people around us start counting.

“One. Two. Three. Four. Five.” Their voices rise as the number increases.

“Six. Seven. Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven!”

The stone finally sinks.

Brown Hat lifts his hand for a high five, and Drew slaps his palm. Turtleneck jumps in the air a few times. “He did it!”

“Nudity!” Brown Hat says.

Several others pick up rocks and send them skittering across the water to try their luck. Drew puts his arm around my waist. “I guess I need to collect my prize.”

My body buzzes. “You won it fair and square.”

I think he’ll kiss me. His eyes are on my lips. But he only squeezes my waist and leads us back to the path.

As we walk through the woods, his fingers find the strip of skin beneath the edge of my shirt. My body kicks into gear at his touch.

His hand slides farther up, covering more territory.

My heart hammers. Right here in the woods? I might be game for that if we go off the path.

We pass an outcropping of rock and suddenly my arm is pulled, and we’re surrounded by stone. His hands slip up my shirt, his mouth on mine. It’s like all the times in the office, forbidden, sudden, hot, explosive.

Drew doesn’t hesitate, pushing my bra up out of his way, hands teasing me, fingers rolling a nipple. I arch to him, pulsing with need. Finally, we’re here, we can do more. We’re free to explore.

He lifts my shirt and ducks down, his mouth replacing his hands. I clutch his head with my hands, pressing him into me. Above us, the light dances through the scant leaves.

I’m high, like a mountain climber reaching the summit. I knead the corded muscles in the back of his neck.

I want so much more contact, skin, all of him. I press back against the rock, feeling the bite of its roughness against my shoulders. It’s new and wild, and I want to revel in every moment. I’m sparking with sensation, the breeze on my cheeks, my hair ruffling near my ear. Drew’s hot mouth devours my skin.

“Come on,” he says, his voice like gravel. He pulls down my shirt and takes my hand.

Soon we’re running, flying down the path, dodging a family with a baby stroller, and breaking through to the building complex.

We pause only to fit his key in the lock, then we’re inside, stumbling over each other, kicking off our shoes, kissing and holding on to each other as if we’re engaged in the final act either of us gets before leaving this earth.

Sasha pokes her head up from her perch on the back of the sofa, but otherwise pays us no mind. Drew pulls me down the hall, past the kitchen, through the door to his bedroom.