
Tony was a normal temperament, otherwise. Compared to Drew he was practically a cheerleader. The vastness between my attitude and Drew’s is at least ten orders of magnitude.

And yet, here we are.

We were more like each other when we were growing up. I had a lot of attitude. But maybe now we are so far apart that the opposites are finally attracting.

Chapter 26


I’m distracted all to hell by Ensley’s outfit tonight. Damn. Her wardrobe is always electric, but that gold dress that falls apart into strips is something else. I almost don’t want to take her anywhere but home. If any man looks at her for more than half a second, I’m going to smash a fist into his face.

“Where to tonight?” Ensley asks.

“An Asian fusion place.”

“What made you pick that?”

I flip the signal to enter the highway. “A new experience for you. I thought we could make the most of the variety Atlanta has to offer.”

“What does Asian fusion mean?”

“They base it in Asian cuisine, but add flairs from other countries, like Ethiopia or Brazil.”

She frowns. “Will I be eating candied brains?”

A deep laugh bursts out. Ensley is good at getting those out of me. “It’s always possible.”

“I’d eat brains for you.”

Would she now? I want to make a sexual quip about it, same as I might with any woman I was about to seduce into my bed, but I can’t do it. Ensley’s words aren’t meant to be part of a ploy. She means it.

I manage to get out a curt, “You won’t have to.”

The restaurant isn’t far, and we’re seated in a secluded spot as I requested when I made the reservation. I should sit across from her to keep things easy while we’re having dinner, but my body isn’t paying any attention to logic. As soon as she’s settled, I’m next to her, and my hand is already sliding up that silky stocking to finger the elastic.

We chat about work, and Sasha, and the kittens we rescued. The anticipation hangs over us as if dinner is just a formality, a framework to hang our next behavior on. It’s like eating your vegetables to get the dessert.

We walk close together back to my car. I have no intention of breaking my touch on her until morning.

I intend to step aside to let her get seated, but my hand brushes her waist and I’m not waiting any longer to get this evening started. I press her against the door, claiming her mouth in ways that have already become a habit this week.

She wraps her arms around my neck. She tastes like the food we ate, heaping platters we shared. I sense when her resistance drops away, her body fitting against mine in the parking lot.

When our mouths are warm with each other’s breath, I finally manage to step back. Time to move on. “My place, then?”

Her eyes glitter as she looks up at me and nods.

When she slides onto the seat, my hands are reluctant to leave her. I guide her knee into place, sliding down the stockings to her calf. “This will be my mouth in a moment.”

She shivers in the gold dress. I know how she feels. We’ve had unfinished business for weeks.

It’s time.

The drive home feels eternally long.

I try to see the neighborhood, then my condo complex, through her eyes. It’s orderly, well kept, the white stone impersonal perhaps. Ensley would splash color everywhere.