“I won’t fail,” I assure her. “I’m pretty sure Drew’s acting in ways he’s not used to. I know I am. It’s got to mean something.”

“It means you both want to get laid,” she says.

“Hell yeah,” Lila says as she reenters the room, but she’s empty-handed. “None of my crappy cheap bras would work. But I was thinking, do you need one at all?” She gestures at my chest.

“I’m not twenty anymore.”

Tillie laughs. “Right. Because twenty-six is so much older.”

I smoosh my hands against my boobs. “You don’t think I’m sagging?”

Lila shakes her head. “Girl, you are not sagging a bit.” She points at her chest. “These are sagging.”

“They are not!” I say.

“While I love the comparative boob talk,” Tillie says, “I think I’ll go watch TV.”

Lila picks up a pillow to toss at her. “You’re jealous because you’re a quadruple A.”

Tillie tugs on her cropped shirt self-consciously. “I got passed over when God was handing out the boobs.”

“You’re fine,” I say. “But I don’t know if I’m no-bra material.”

“Just do it. Get that boy candy,” Tillie says.

Lila nods in agreement.

Oh, I plan to.

This time Drew’s car is immaculate. I can smell the window cleaner and the rug shampoo, and a new bone-shaped air freshener hangs from the rearview mirror.

I don’t hold back my grin. He did this for me. I sing the line inside my head.For me. For me. For me, me, me.

He’s about to close the door when he leans in instead. “I couldn’t say this in front of your sisters, but damn, I’m ready to tear that dress off you.”

Sparks shoot through my whole body. “Be my guest.”

Drew clutches the top of the door with an iron grip, as if he has to control himself. I love it. I arrange the strips of the skirt around my thighs as I sit down. His eyes are glued to my every movement.

I part them at the highest point to reveal a narrow band at the top of the glittery stockings. “Thigh-highs,” I say. “In the event of park benches.”

He closes his eyes, as if he can’t handle the sight of them.

I settle back against the seat. I never feel this bold. I’m the awkward one. But Drew is drawing it out of me. I’m so alive, I swear I could wave my hands and move the stars.

He finally closes the door and walks around the front of the car.

And yeah, I see it. There’s an extra bulge in those dress pants.

It’s chillier tonight, so I have a fluffy white bolero jacket that covers my shoulders and arms. It comes together with a loop and button, which means it’s covering the fact that I’m not wearing a bra. For now. As Drew starts the car and we head out of Lila’s neighborhood, I wonder exactly when I’ll reveal that detail.

Plus the bonus one under the skirt.

This man is mine. I can feel it.

It’s been a long time since I slept with anyone. Tony Marini, almost a year ago. We dated something like six months before I figured out that he would never do more than call me on random Saturday nights for dinner and a hookup. When a month went by without even that, I finally went to the Enterprise Rent-A-Car where he worked and asked him,What’s the deal?

He said he couldn’t handle my newfound toxic positivity. It made him feel mean.