“The kittens are okay?” Her voice hitches.

“Perfectly fine. Todd’s taking care of them.”

“Can I go back and see them?”

“Of course. You rescued their mom. You’ve earned it.”

It would be natural to take her hand as we walk around the front of the clinic, but I know I can’t do that.

As I hold the door for her, the Chihuahuas already moved to the exam room by Maria or Todd, I know something’s happened here. Something I didn’t expect. This is nothing like the women I take out once and then ignore.

This is Ensley. My feelings for her cut straight to the bone.

And not only that, I’m taking her to dinner tonight.

Chapter 21


I have no idea why I remain so shaken after the tree incident. I picture what I must have looked like, straddling a tree, a cat in my arms, refusing to even look at Drew as he pulled me down.

I was fine going after the cat. But not so fine once I had her. There seemed no way out, no safe way to get down.

But Drew had rescued me.

And that kiss. The way he held me. I had no idea that this grumpy, unyielding man could be so tender.

But now I do.

Maria sends me home early. There are only a couple of more check-ins, and they decide to handle it. I’m worried about agreeing to it, thinking Drew might try to get out of the dinner I insisted on. But about an hour after closing, I get a text message from him.

Drew:So where am I taking you?

Nobody’s currently home. Tillie has taken Lila to Walmart to pick up a prescription for her nausea. So it’s just me staring at my phone as I reply.

Me:You know Atlanta better than I do.

Drew:What do you like to eat? Italian? Cajun? Barbecue?

Me:Is there good Italian in Atlanta?

Drew:Of course.

Me:Let’s do that.

Drew:Should I pick you up?


It’s nice to have him drive. Something’s happened to my nervous system. Maybe it was the last straw, heading up a tree after nearly two weeks of nonstop wildness. I got kicked out of a wedding, stuck in a storm, turned on by a childhood crush, sent wild emails, and started a new job in a new city, while keeping the old job in the old city. No wonder I’m falling apart.

I sort through my clothes. Thankfully, a date with Drew was something I planned for when I packed for a two-day trip that has become a ten-day stay. I pull out the red dress, wondering if it’s too much for a Wednesday.

No, I need to go for broke. I have seven days left to figure out if I’m going to pursue this or take my ball and go home.

The dress is silky and slides along my body when I pull it over my head. It falls just below midthigh, so I pair it with black tights and knee boots I thrifted four years ago. They always make an outfit come together. They’re my lucky boots.

Now the hair. I go for a half updo, long curls pulled into a twist, and the others gelled within an inch of their life to stay in pretty ringlets rather than frizzing into oblivion.