Maybe missing the wedding was a lucky break. It wasn’t clear at first what role Ensley might have in my life, but now it’s perfect.

I no more than sit down when she buzzes me on the phone. “Dr.Daniels, I have Alina Carmichael on the line. She’s the one with the dog whose leg you set last week. She has some concerns about his limp. Do you want to speak to her, or should I simply make an appointment?”

She already gets it. She intuitively knows how to work the office. “I’ll talk to her, thank you.”

“Sure thing. Line one.”

I sit back in my chair. All is well at Daniels Vet Care.

As long as I can stop picturing my receptionist in unzipped coveralls.

Chapter 19


I’ve gotten myself into one hot mess.

By the end of the day, though, I have my vacation worked out. I told Cindy I wanted my full eight days, which means I have to drive back to Alabama next Wednesday night to be at work on Thursday.

Or else quit my bank job.

Without notice.

Which is not something I have ever done. Not even when I worked at the chicken place where the owner would chase me around the butcher table.

Cindy approved my leave and worked out a rotating round of help from the other branches. Janet is annoyed.

Which is a nice bonus.

But now I have to figure out what I want and where I want it in just over a week. One night with him to finish out the wedding debacle? The start of something more?One thing at a time, Ensley. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

My sisters think this whole situation is hysterical.

“Ensley is going to be banging her boss by the weekend,” Tillie says, shoving a pizza box at me.

Lila manages a small smile. She’s struggling with all-day morning sickness. “Just be safe.”

I wonder exactly what she means. With protection so I’m not unexpectedly pregnant like she is? Or with my heart? I do have a soft spot for Drew.

I have no idea how to be safe in my current circumstance. I feel like I’m teetering on the edge of a pit, like at the wedding. Everyone at the office thinks I’m staying. And I don’t know how to make any inroads with Drew when I only see him for a few minutes at a time. He’s gotten very formal with me.

This might be my worst scheme ever.

I only know that I think about him all the time. I picture him in the shed. Stripping out of his tux. Carrying me to the cot.

And of course hovering over me, his head dipping down to the unzipped coveralls.

Something’s shifting. My kid crush is growing into something decidedly adult. Lila’s right. I definitely need to be safe.

But I also have to act. Eight days isn’t much, even if it is tacked on to a long history.

On Wednesday morning, I come out of the bathroom to find that my sister Lila is already up. She’s often awake early in the mornings, because she starts puking the minute she rolls over.

She lies on her sofa, which is still made up as my bed. She’s got an ice bag on her head and a bucket in the crook of her arm.

Thankfully, it’s currently empty.

There’s only one bathroom in her rent house. “I’m sorry I took too long,” I say. “I didn’t realize you were up and sick.”