I lean against my desk, arms crossed. “Were you handling some of the calls?”

“I was. The woman out front seems to be struggling with the phone system.” She grimaces. “I thought I could take a bit of the load off while I waited for you. Is that woman the new receptionist? Is that why she’s having a hard time?”

“No. She normally runs our diagnostics and pharmacy.”

“Any leads? It seems so easy. All the callers care so much about their pets!”

Light dawns. One of Ensley’s wedding confessions was that she didn’t find her work at the bank meaningful. She wanted to do something that mattered.

And she’s trying to show me how well she can do here.

Plus, her sister lives nearby. Didn’t she mention she was about to have to find a new roommate?

She’s making a bold move. She wants to transfer to Atlanta and take a job here, something with a higher purpose, the care and health of animals.

I’m proud of her.

“It’s yours,” I say.

Ensley tilts her head. “Mine?”

“The job. It’s yours. You’re obviously great. You’re used to customer service. Bank work means you can handle our invoices and payment processes. You’re perfect.”

She watches me a moment with those sparkly eyes. I try to force myself not to take in any more of her, not the slender plum dress and black tights. Not the dip of the cut of her neckline, showing a hint of those breasts I could easily recall if I just slip into memory.

Eyes up there. On her face.

She presses her hand to her cheek. “I wasn’t expecting that. Oh. Wow.”

I’ve overwhelmed her. “I have to get back to the exam tables. We can talk more about it later. But welcome aboard.”

“Thank you,” she says, still seeming shocked.

Relief floods through me. The situation is taken care of. Ensley has a bright, sunshiny personality, at least when she’s not backed in a corner.She knows how to maneuver around me. And she has the experience necessary to dive right into the primary tasks. She can pick up the veterinary-specific skills as she goes.

She sits back at my desk, answering another phone call. I turn on my heel, realizing I don’t even need to tell her what to do. She’s already helping.

And only when I get back to the exam tables, Todd leading in a dog who ate three chocolate Easter bunnies and needs to have vomiting induced, do I realize having Ensley here will involve one distinct problem.

I’ll have to keep my hands off her.

Chapter 17


What have I just done?

I continue to take calls from Drew’s desk. Since I have no other duties, there are long lulls where I ponder the ramifications of my spontaneous action.

I already have a job. And I haven’t given notice. Do I even want to?

Cindy will kill me.

But let’s say I take this job. Drew will be myboss. My brain skitters into the explicit emails we sent each other. What about those? I can’t date him if he’s my boss!

I text my sisters in a panic.

Me:Drew hired me as his new receptionist. What do I do?