A second bartender comes on shift, and Tillie finally has time to return to my end. “Ensley, if you want to talk to him, just talk to him. In fact, do it right now. If he doesn’t respond or answer the call or whatever, then you know it’s pointless to pine.”

“But I want to pine.” The very idea of Drew’s gorgeous face buried in some other woman’s cleavage is making me absolutely crazy.

“Get your answer. There’s no sense freaking out over nothing.”

A man walks up to the bar and raises his arm, so Tillie heads down to take his order.

I hold my phone in my hand. I can’t call Drew from here.

But I could text. Something simple.

But what to say? I’ve used the kitten too many times. I can’t think of another good confession off the top of my head.

But there’s the receptionist issue. I could at least ask the very ordinary question if he’s found a new one.

That should be perfectly safe.

I send the text and set my phone on the bar to wait.

The drink is heavenly. I want to chug it and see if I can get my giggles on. But Tillie hates it if I drink too much at her bar. I become a liability.

So I nurse it like a good sister, hoping my phone will light up.


“This seat taken?”

I look up to find an appealing twentysomething leaning his elbow on the bar. He’s not my usual type, farm boots and jeans. He’s more like the customers at my bank than someone I’d date.

But he runs his hands across his scruffy chin, and his eyes seemed to light up when he looks at me.

Will this make me feel better?


“Not taken,” I say.

He sits down, and Tillie heads over, her gaze bouncing between the two of us. “What can I get you?” she asks, but her tone is hard. She’s playing the big sister even though I’m the older one.

He glances at my blue drink. “I’d say I’ll have what she’s having, but it might be too fruity for me.”

“It’s her favorite drink,” Tillie says. “Don’t insult her.”

This is amusing. I sit back against the wall to watch their interaction play out.

But the man holds up a hand. “I’m sorry. I meant no offense. I just mean I don’t like sweet. And it looks sweet.”

Tillie cocks her head. “The drink or my sister?”

Now he’s the one looking between the two of us. “Yeah, I can see the resemblance.”

Tillie turns to me. “You like him? Or should I get him out of here?”

My phone lights up. It’s Drew. I snatch it to poke at the message.

Tillie doesn’t miss a thing. “Is that who I think it is?”

I nod.