“Drew! What did you do?”

“The usual.”

“What happened?”

“I tried to be nice. I failed.” I stare up at the ceiling. “I thought treating animals meant I’d be left alone. But it’s still too full of people.”

“I’m sorry.” The words hang in the air. She seems all out of mantras. I’m a hopeless case.

But I like the quiet. We sit with it a minute, and then she says, “So I have a new confession.”


“Do you remember that football jacket you gave Garrett because he lost his and the team only issued one before you had to pay? Your name was stitched inside.”


“It was a long time ago. It saved him. We definitely couldn’t afford to replace his.”

“What about it?”

“I took it. Not until the season was over. But I took it.”

“From Garrett?”

“Because it was yours. I told you I had it bad.”

“You dated in high school, right?” I’m hoping she didn’t pine for me or anything. She already said she didn’t go to prom.

“I did. That’s how I got decent meals.” She laughs. “I finally got over you when I kissed Finley Martin.”

“Delaney Martin’s little brother? That twerp?”

“He wasn’t a twerp by then!”

“If you say so.”

“He was a great kisser.”

I definitely don’t want to hear about her kissing Finley Martin. “Glad you recovered.”

“I did! It was a jolt to see you on that wedding list. Ronnie said she hadn’t seen you in years.”

“Franklin wanted all the old friends at the altar, since it was Ronnie.”

“Did you have a falling-out with him?”

“Nope. He was more into Ronnie than his buds.”

“Oh, right. That again.” She goes silent, and I know that’s bad.

Before I half shout a response, I take a breath and lower my voice. “What does that mean?”

“Oh, the whole just-one-date thing. I guess you haven’t seen anyone recently, uh, since, well, since we, you know.”

I get it. She’s asking if I’ve slept with someone since the wedding. “It’s only been five days.”

“Are you this weekend? Going on a date, or whatever you call it?” Her voice is tremulous.