She’s trembling. I realize I should have done this every morning. Said hello. Talked to her when we were not in a difficult situation. Ensley is right. You have to find positive things to say in positive moments, because when things are hard or busy or stressful, it’s too easy to reach for negative words.

“Veterinary work is very stressful,” I say. “I apologize if sometimes I am rather abrupt.”

She nods, her blonde ponytail swinging.

“It’s my understanding that you’re feeling uncomfortable here. I would like to fix that.”

Her gaze drops to her notepad.

“Jenny? Do you think we can fix this?”

Her voice is barely audible. “I already got another job.”

The confirmation of my suspicion hits me so hard that I forget to modulate my voice. “You can’t do that!”

She startles backward, making her chair roll into a file cabinet. The jolt knocks over a jar of treats sitting on top, and it falls to the floor with a smash.

Jenny jumps up. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!”

I see red. “Sweep that up before any patients arrive. Make sure you get every shard. We can’t have those poor animals cutting their paws.”

“Yes! Of course!” Jenny runs in circles, then dashes down the hall toward the maintenance closet.

Maria steps out of an exam room, holding a stack of patient folders. “That went well.”

I brace my hands against the counter to the reception desk. So much for good thoughts and good actions. “I guess the next one needs to have more mettle. Can you manage that?”

“So I get to interview them again?” She drops the folders on Jenny’s desk. “In my spare time?”

I draw in a breath to say something, but she cuts me off.

“Don’t pull your bullheaded act with me. Remember that I understand you. And don’t get mad when we fall behind because I’m having to hire another new employee because you keep scaring off the people who work for you.”

She turns around and heads back to the exam room. I sense that Jenny has found the broom, but she doesn’t want to come back into the lobby until I’m gone.

Fine. I cut through the second exam room to avoid bumping into her in the hall or Maria on the other side.

This day is great. Just great.

I wasn’t planning to call Ensley tonight. But most of the staff gave me the cold shoulder today, and I could use someone on my side.

Sasha kneads her paws on my legs as I sit against the headboard and click on Ensley’s name.

“Hey, Drew!” Her cheery voice immediately brings my brooding down a notch.


“So I have to tell you what Janet did today.”

I pet Sasha’s head and listen as Ensley goes on and on about Janet’s attempt to rearrange the cabinets beneath the teller windows. She doesn’t care if I don’t comment or add to the conversation. Gradually, the knot in my belly loosens.

Finally, she runs out of stories. “So,” she says. “Did you talk to Jenny?”



“She quit. A day early.”